Title: Because She Lived
Rating: PG
Spoilers: The Pilot
Prompt: #78/give
Fandom: Lost
Summary: You're gonna need better shoes.
Author's Notes: One of my favorite moments from The Pilot.
made by
aboutbunnies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Kate repeated the phrase over and over, you're gonna need better shoes, a mantra to release the guilt she's feeling. As if the words have the power to make what she's doing seem okay.
A scavenger among the dead.
She moved slow, deliberately, the sand sinking beneath her light steps as she created a path through the bodies, keeping the rising nausea at bay by breathing through her mouth, by avoiding their faces. Eyes swept over legs and feet instead, looking for the perfect fit.
What she found was a pair of brown boots. She reached hesitatingly for the laces. Taking what was being given, she rationalized.