Writer's Block: 9/11

Sep 12, 2008 19:24

I remember I was still living in california. I was about 9 or 10, and in third grade. We were on our way to chapel, and everyone was already talking about it. (remember, 3 hour time difference.) None of us really knew what was going on, just that the World Trade Centers had been attacked and had fallen. I remember we had a moment of silence on the way to chapel, and our normal chapel service was longer because everyone was praying hard.

Today, it still gives me chills thinking about it. Thinking about all the people that lost their lives. I remember I was scared that my godmother was dead, because her company had office space in there. luckily, she didn't work in there. not that i knew that at age 9 or whatever i was.
But even to this day, I pray for all those who lost their lives that day.

writer's block

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