Jan 29, 2010 17:38
One more week down at my rotation...almost halfway there! I'm pleasantly surpised by te fact that I'm (for the most part) enjoyig this rotation...at least as much as a person can enjoy working 40 hrs a week for free. I had so many projects to work on this week that I felt the work I did on them was substandard and wasn't feeling great about them, but my preceptor told me I was doing very well and was a very thorough student, so that made me feel better! Additionally, I was asked to co-write a case study on cozaar induced renal failure to have published! Being published isn't something I've dreamed of doing, but it's still kind of cool. So that means it's more work for me, but I think it'll be a good experience. Next week I'm presenting to all the medical residents, so I'm still in the process of revising my presentation, but I hope it will go well!
This Thursday I also had lunch with Kyle, who is a medical device sales rep. He does business at St. Elizabeth's pretty frequently and asked if he could treat me to lunch in the cafeteria, and I agreed! He seems like a really nice guy, an appears to be quite successful as well! He grew up in Clinton, where his parents still live, and in addition to being a sales rep he also referees hockey (which he also plays), and is involved with a tooon of volunteer work. Along with his dad they chair the boilermaker, heart run and walk, and the ride for missing children. Not sure how he has time for all his since he travels for his work...he covers NY, Northern NJ, Western PA, Eastern Ohio and Northern WV. I guess we'll see where this goes :)
Also have a few other guys I'm talking to...Mark who works as a medic, Harrison who works in his family business, AJ who is a lumber wholesaler or something like that, Steve who works in engineering, and still talking to David....but as friends :-p I told him we needed to take a step back and just try the friends things, haha. Oh and John who works with troubled teens. I can hardly keep track...guess I need to start narrowing the field a little!
In other news, I begin working for Target next Saturday! I talked to Amy, one of the Pharmacists at the store yesterday, and she seemed really nice, so let's hope she is! I need to start making some money!
I guess that's all for now...I'm impressed with myself for writing in this more frequently as of late :-p