
Mar 25, 2006 06:30

So yeah. My week:

Monday and Tuesday we watched Chicago in choir. It was like a bad disney sequel with thematic elements thrown in at random. Go figure.

Wednesday was the New York trip. Last year the trip was one of if not the best day of my life. Not this year. Assigned seats for the bus meanth that Mary Jo and I were stranded in the middle of chaperones, totally cut off from everyone else. So I buried myself in music on the way there, and it actually didn't seem like that long of a ride. Well we got there and I was in a group with Bibi, Rach, Sarah B, Joanna, Anna, and Nicole B. Not a bad group. Bibi's parents are a riot. We wen to Toys R Us. We ate at McDonald's, which was pretty cool. Then we went to Godiva and a billion souvenier shops.

The play was incredible. I've waited four years to see it, and I wasn't let down. I bought the CD aftwrwards. Then we piled back on the bus to go to the mall. Mary Jo took meds and conked out on top of me. It was funny. At the mall we only had 40 minutes to go eat, so after Racheal, Megan and I went to Gamestop, FYE, and rode the awesome carousel, there were all of ten minutes left. I went to a fish place but this mean old lady came along and said "WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING ALL THIS TIME?! GET ON THE BUS!!!" So I shoved a scalding hot sandwich down my mouth and went downstairs where we waited another ten minutes for the bus to arrive. Thanks alot. Now I have third degree burns all over my mouth for nothing. -_-

Thursday and Friday - Not even gonna comment. Though yesterday afternoon was awesome, because I went back to Mr. Decoteau's room afterschool so he could read my poem and - well, I walked out smelling like apples. It was crazy I tell you.

Senior show last night was cool. I sat with Marissa, and we got up in front of the stage honoring Mike's request. It was amusing when the other people up there started to mosh. I got whacked a couple of times.
Most of the acts were pretty cool. I especially liked Jen Allard's video of her car. Chris Grahm was really funny too. But OMG Tony Staf and his band were amazing. The night ended really well.

I guess that's all I gotta say - for now. Later.
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