Oct 05, 2006 00:06
I haven't really kept up with this live journal at all but will be making more of an effort in the future since a great deal is going on in my life now. Recently I moved to Ft. lauderdale Florida to start a job with my Aunt and Uncle. I am living at their house for free and getting paid. I can't really complain but it does get lonely a lot because there is no one here I really relate to yet. You know similar interests and opinions? I try not to let it get me down though for instance there are going to be some killer concerts coming to the ft. lauderdale/miami area. Tomorrow night I am going to see Sound Tribe Sector Nine(STSN)at a concert venue called Revolution(www.jointherevolution.net). I checked them out on the web and they have a few other good acts coming such as Pete Yorn and Copeland. So I will definitely be going to see them. I think Deathcab for Cutie and Broken Social Scene will be in Miami soon too. I will not be missing those.
Other then the concerts I plan to do some scuba diving and check out some of the beaches. I hear South beach in Miami is topless....so I will stay way clear of that beach....hehe!! I see a lot of the recent movies out in theaters, which I don't mind at all I love movies. This weekend I believe I will be seeing The Departed with Jack Nicholson, Leonardo Dicaprio, and Matt Damon. Its directed by Martin Scorsese who is one of the most talented directors in the world. He has directed Goodfellas, Casino, Gangs of New York, The Aviator, just to name a few. I might also sneak into The Science of Sleep with Gael Garcia Bernal which was directed by Michel Gondry who directed Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I usually end up sneaking into an extra movie here or there....or basically every time I go to a movie I sneak into see a second one. I have nothing else to do and I love movies. So why not?
I usually don't like cable TV. Two shows who caught my attention though have been Lost and Heroes and now I am addicted to them. Lost's third season actually starts tonight in a little bit, I can't wait. Heroes is an awesome idea basically because it entertains everyone who ever loved comic books or the idea of having super powers and what would happen in present time today if everyday people started to develop, out of the blue, extrordinary abilities. It has really good characters, a lot like the way Lost does, and you usually cling to a favorite. The thing about both Lost and Heroes I like is they play out a lot like movies do and not your regular TV show. They usually all end on cliffhangers though and that kills me if I am not watching them on DVD and can't skip to the next episode like with both of these shows now.
Since I have been here I have read Fahrenheit 451 by Ray bradbury, No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy, and The Quiet American by Graham Greene. All three books are amazing and I recommend them to anyone who loves to read and anyone who doesn't because if you don't read, well then your just stupid, and you need to start and these three books would be a good place to begin.
I am going to put in a paragraph from The Quiet American because it really touched me while reading it and though the meaning behind the paragraph is rather a sad outlook on life it non the less is very well written and touched me a little because sometimes I have to say my outlook can be similar and it can feel good to read something written before you were here and makes you realize your not quite so alone.
"From childhood I had never believed in permanence, and yet I had longed for it. Always I was afraid of losing happiness. This month, next year, Phuong would leave me. If not next year, in three years. Death was the only absolute value in my world. Lose life and one would lose nothing again forever. I envied those who could believe in a God and I distrusted them. I felt they were keeping their courage up with a fable of the changeless and the permanent. Death was far more certain than God, and with death there would be no longer the daily possibility of love dying. The nightmare of a future of boredom and indifference would lift. I could never have been a pacifist. To kill a man was surely to grant him an immeasurable benefit. Oh yes, people always, everywhere, loved their enemies. It was their friends they preserved for pain and vacuity." Graham Greene-The Quiet American
Phuong is a woman he was with in the book if you couldn't figure that out. Her name means Phoenix, I thought that was pretty cool. Anyway, I must be off LOST is about to begin and it should be a good one. I hope to be adding some pictures on here soon and changing things up a bit. Take care my friends. Until Next time.