Book Reviews, Master List

Jan 01, 2015 00:00

Reviews for the Rose Era DW books

Ninth Doctor

The Clockwise Man by Justin Edwards
*The Monsters Inside by Stephen Cole
Winner Takes All by Jacqueline Rayner
Only Human by Gareth Roberts
The Deviant Strain by Justin Richards
The Stealer of Dreams by Steve Lyons

10th Doctor

The Stone Rose by Jacqueline Rayner
The Feast of the Drowned by Stephen Cole
*The Resurrection Casket by Justin Richards
I Am a Dalek by Gareth Roberts
*The Art of Destruction by Stephen Cole
The Price of Paradise by Colin Brake
The Nightmare of Black Island by Mike Tucker

*own, just haven't reviewed yet. All the ones with reviews are also ones I own. Also if anyone knows of any titles I missed... let me know

reviews, book reviews

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