Book Review

Dec 20, 2006 21:08

time for my post-who book review

First things First... Not the most entertaining of books. Of course, it may have just been because I have been moody and tired for the past week so... I'm making a mental note to re-read it later when I am feeling better. Though it does actually have it's moments of entertainment. I just felt the monster-of-the-moment was a little too blah. In all honesty, it would have been more entertaining if at first it was thought the elders were in the costumes and THEN there's a "... dude" moment in which the Witiku manifest themselves once the culprits were found out. Then again, I like the 'kick in the balls' approach in plots. Which is part of the reason I liked Stone Rose... the whole time i was thinking the artist was the big bad guy and then WAM! we get introduced to the G.E.N.I.E.

With the Price of Paradise. It was the Witiku. Plan and simple. No big mystery to it. Though the 'kick in the ball' moment did come at the perfect moment... Just when the Doctor thought he had found the cure for the Wikitu curse because it worked on Brother Hugan... Opps! Doesn't work! I must say I really enjoyed that moment and the whole final scene in the temple. THAT was eyes-wide and reading moments.

However, in the more slow paced boring parts of the book there were some rather amusing bits that encouraged me to keep reading if only for something to giggle about:

1. 'Mercury, in the side pocket'. The Doctor and Rose having a game of snooker while they waited for the TARDIS to finish calibrating. Though some sick and twisted part of my mind was visualizing the Sailor senshi for a moment while actually knowing the Doctor was referring to the actual planet. Though, I thought maybe it was the Doctor being cheeky until I read on and realized that the balls were actually modelled after planets in the solar system. And the Earth ball actually had little renditions of the continents on it. And of course, the Doctor had to be cheeky and do one of those tricksey 'behind-the-back' shots to avoid Jupiter and make his shot.

2. Quote:

'I hooked your MP3 layer up to the TARDIS controls and hit shuffle. We're either going to find ourselves at a totally random destination'...


'Or we end up inside Franz Ferdinand!'

Comment: I can say no more.

3. I have become convinced that in order to write a Doctor Who book... you must be a beatles fan. because so far, in all three books I have read, there have been some kind of Beatles reference, from very vague to very obvious. ::flips through pages at front of book:: though I can't find the exact quote this moment... It's in the first couple of chapters. I am convinced that maybe I need to send Davies a copy of one of my better fics and see if he'll let me write a mini-adventure book during the Rose Tyler era. Because, it's obvious with Price of Paradise you don't really need to be an overly-talented writer to write one of the books... and I think I fit into that category.

4. Snippy Doctor. The first few bits, the Doctor was getting a little snippy with Rose, almost like maybe he was in need of a nap or was a little 'frustrated' especially when the first instance was because she was talking about wishing she had her bikini and a beach ball... and then later threatening to take her back to her mothers shortly after she turned up with a 'boyfriend-of-the-moment'. But, once the peril began, Doctor went back to his normal 'ZOMG Rose everyone is in danger!' routines. Sometimes, I honestly get the impression that the Doctor would rather see everyone else die as long as he does not have to break the news to Jackie that he got Rose killed on an adventure. After all, if she slapped him because he carried Rose off for a year... one can only image what Jackie would do to him if he ended up getting her killed. Something tells me, if that had ever happened... Time Lords would become officially extinct.

Over all rating out of possible five stars: 1.75 of 5... it was almost a two star, but not quite.

reviews, book reviews

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