irishgirl1984 Jun 12, 2018 10:24
monday night, victory, wrigley "north", june, warm weather, #everybodyin, #flythew, summer, first place, cubs, baseball, tuesday night, #everybodyout, sports
irishgirl1984 Apr 30, 2018 10:40
summer, seventy-three degrees, cubs, baseball, #boysofsummer, sports, monday, early start, last day of april, spring, #go, sweep, #flythew, warm, #everybodyin, wrigley field, home
irishgirl1984 Apr 25, 2018 09:54
#12, victory, #everybodyin, cubs, celebrating, baseball, #let'sgo, home, sports
irishgirl1984 Apr 23, 2018 10:42
april, victory, spring, #10, sunday afternoon, weather, cooer's field, cubs, celebrating, baseball, wins, sports
irishgirl1984 Apr 21, 2018 10:20
#playball, spring, victorious, #everybodyin, #flythew, cubs, friday night, celebrating, road game, baseball, home, rocking colorado, sports
irishgirl1984 Apr 19, 2018 13:17
april, spring, home game, sunny, warmer weather, make-up day, cubs, thursday, baseball, sports, happy
irishgirl1984 Apr 17, 2018 10:29
april, tuesday, warmer, rain, #everybodyin, game day, weather, wrigley, cubs, field, baseball, home, clouds, sun, sports
irishgirl1984 Mar 25, 2018 10:49
ncaa, blow-out, #sanantonio, rowdy fans, loyola ramblers, march madness, college, basketball, texas, sports, final four
irishgirl1984 Mar 19, 2018 10:27
ficult to describe, #5, wii bowling, video games, wii bowling scores, writer's block, wii bowling news, sports
irishgirl1984 Mar 17, 2018 10:16
march, together, friends, st. patrik's day, slowness, sunny, irish, bored, cloudy, sore shoulder and muscles, #nothingtodotodayatall, hurting, pain, relationships, sports, party, slow day, friendship, weather, off day, saturday, late winter, free time