(no subject)

Oct 04, 2005 12:45

Yes, that was me on the phone, but no I wasn't drinking Night Train. I was drinking, though. I witnessed the overwhelming violence of not just wrestling, but wrestling AND Ultimate Fighting being shown at the same time. The occasions that I actually feel like a girl are rare. Last night, however, the girl inside of me couldn't help but wince and mayhaps even whimper at the sight of crumpled up fighters taking relentless brain numbing blows and suffering what is sure to be some sort of serious head trauma. Faced with the horrendous violence of UFC, wrestling's bra and panty match, as degrading as it is, was a welcome relief.

JoshCox kind of summed it up in the first thirty minutes: "From the age of 8 or 9, guys just want two things...fighting and titties.
On that note, I probably could have, or even should have, left within the first hour, but then alcohol entered the picture and before I knew it the time was five in the morning and I was practically drooling on myself I was so sleepy. Even in that dazed, or maybe I should say especially in that dazed condition, I realized that driving was not a good idea. I tried to mind my own business...take a quilt and nap, but eventually I wasn't even allowed that small concession. I'm pretty sure I slept-drove home and collapsed into bed...but couldn't stay long, knew I had too much to do today.
that and I wanted a shower really bad.

And so now here I am with a couple hours of sleep and one really bruised hand.
Hope you calf spasms all day long, Ryan...mofo.
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