La La land

Sep 29, 2005 23:41

Have returned home with fresh, clean clothes and a bowl chair! A more successful trip home I cannot imagine.

Going home was weird. Had an argument about physics and the speed of light with my dad. Was informed by my mom that she and dad had redone the wills and that my eldest brother and I were its executives. We were to both handle the financial side but he was to take care of the funerals as it was determined that I'd be an emotional invalid. Did not enjoy this discussion. Have dreaded the death of my parents since I was six...morbid little kid, wasn't I? When my dad was in the hospital, I told mom that they had to wait a long time for another episode like this. At least until I find some poor soul to latch onto and bawl all over...otherwise, I'd probably have to be given some maximum strength sedative and be left in some corner for a couple days. Hmmm...well this turned into a cheery entry.

Hmmm, something cheery. Drove my spectra with a chair twined to its roof this afternoon. I cannot imagine the looks on people's faces as they saw me sailing up 75N. Also had a hoola-hoop competition with my mom last night. I am a superior hoola-hooper

And because I'm nervously procrastinating...and all by myself:

1. What is your full name? Autumn Nicole Dolan
2. What color pants are you wearing? Red shorts
3. What are you listening to right now? Beatles: Hide your love away
4. What is the last thing you ate? chocolate
5. Do you wish on stars? generally not
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? dark green or black
7. How is the weather right now? chilly
8. Last person you talked to on the phone? Me mum
9. Do you like the person who sent this to you? sent?
10. How old are you today? 22 and 11/12ths
11. Favorite drink? Diet Coke of course
12. Favorite sport? to watch: for my own athletic abilities, they aren't really worth mentioning
13. What color are your eyes? Blue
14. Do you wear contacts? I'm cursed with the farsightedness
15.Siblings? Older brothers and a very lazy dog
16. Favorite month? October
17. Favorite food? Pizza of many varieties
18. Last movie you watched? Corpse Bride but also witnessed parts of Alien something or another and that God-awful Cannibal Holocaust II debacle
19. Favorite day of the year? The day the world begins to smell like fall
20. What do you do to vent anger? Dangerous cycle of the brooder...Well, first I have to shove all my feelings inside and watch them simmer, then I set the timer and await the inevitable implosion of fury, which usually just gets reabsorbed and thrown in with the next batch.
21. Summer or winter? Winter
22. Hugs or kisses?
23. Chocolate or vanilla? Dark Chocolate
24. Do you want friends to e-mail you back?
25. Who is most likley to respond? your mamas
26. Who is least likley to respond? um, probably your mamas
27. What did you do last night? Hoola-Hooped with my mom!
28. Living arrangements? Three lovely ladies and a cat in a townhouse
29. When was the last time you cried? Last Wednesday...Let's just say the month of September, bitchy month,
30. What is under your bed? Stuff I pretended to put up when we moved in 31. Who is the friend you have had the longest? Moved too friends are just about it
32. Favorite smell? rain
33.What are you afraid of? me 34. Favorite car? Not picky...but my spectra did carry a chair strapped to its roof this rocked!
35. Favorite flower? Rose of Sharons are pretty tree blooms
36. Number of keys on your key ring? four on house, five on work
37. Can you juggle? for like a second
38. Favorite day of the week? none are lookin' to good right now
39. What did you do on your last birthday? Um, my birthday...oh, yeah, played at a football game, came home and got sotted, passed out on couch, an unmovable lump of flesh, until morning.
40. How many states have you lived in? 6.5 (stayed in Washington state for about half a the time I thought we were visiting, but now I know that we were technically living there)
41. How many cars have you had? 1
42. What book are you reading right now? English Reformations...very boring
43.Beach or mountains? Mountains
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