Title: my life i trade (for your pain) Fandom: FFVIII Characters: Squall, Laguna Rating: PG13 Summary: He doesn't know how to fill this silence without jokes and inappropriate remarks. Squall, Laguna, and coming to an understanding.
Title: Twenty-Six Gil to Deling City Fandom: FFVIII Characters/Pairings: Julia Heartilly, mentions of Laguna Rating: PG Notes: Second person perspective. Summary: It feels like home, but home got you into this mess. Julia, pre-game.
Title: Senses Fandom: FFVIII Characters: Squall, Laguna Rating: G Warnings: None Notes: For the Moogle Fluff exchange round of ff_exchange, prompt was Squall and Laguna, anything. Summary: He should feel something about this, shouldn't he?