Saturday - Dragons!

Jul 26, 2006 08:33

SGX and I played around at Broadway Louie's a bit. I got 13 on Be Lovin' 3x (so much easier on 3x) because I was careless and the ITG2 machine seems to keep forgetting we added a bunch of songs to it. It seems like the StepMania.ini file gets replaced with the original every time it boots or something. We edit it - to add the custom folder back in - and it works fine. Weird.

Also, we found that ITG2 DOES read .dwi files (not just .sm files) and seems to do so with more reliability (as all songs that didn't work started working by adding .dwi files). Strange.

Then we went to East of Chicago Pizza and hacked the machine there. There are only two ITG2 machines in the state, they're both in Myrtle Beach, and now they're both hacked. I play for free pretty often. This is awesome until I go back to school.

SGX and I put Emerald Sword and Ub3R R4V3 on the machine and tangoed our way to a clear. Good luck beating those high scores, everyone.

After much Hax the Groove 2 I went to Medeival Times to meet up with my family. Karen got there just in time for the show by use of magic. I was waiting for her so when she got there we hurried in and found our seats and ordered Pepsi to go with our DRAGON SOUP!

Show stuff was being cool and then our serving wench came by again and gave us a BABY DRAGON! Shortly after we had dug into that, she came by again with DRAGON FINGERS and DRAGON TOES!

There was a falconer and I was too tall for the falcon to be flying around the arena like a total winged badass (missed my head by a few inches), but it was awesome. There was treachery and magic and epic battles and the green knight is always incredible. Our yellow knight kinda went out like a bitch, but then another knight killed the knight that killed our knight and we adopted the green knight and all was well.

What's this? Dessert time? DRAGON TAIL!

My brother and I decided to start a dragon farm.

I wore my amazing paper crown the whole way back to my house (which was difficult because it kept hitting the roof of my car) and wanted to kill everyone who was in front of me at any point because they sucked so hard at driving at or above the speed limit. Note: 50 in a 65 is not cool - even if there are seven other cars around you that are doing it, too. Get your asses in the right lane and let the rest of us by, assholes.

Karen came up to my place, too and I love her. I probably hit her in the eye.

adventure, family, dragons, sgx, rant, itg, epic, ideas, games, karen, ddr, hacks

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