new layout

Nov 08, 2006 08:57

So I got bored and updated the layout.. it is hopelessly and impossibly corny and mushy but i thought it was cute :(
hope all is going well for everyone
i'm not gonna lie i'm sick and tired of school, i hate working endlessly to no avail and pushing so hard against a concrete blockade all the while "knowing" it will move
in my religion class we're reading this book called "Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas" written by Elaine Pagels.... so in this book she is questioning why the gospel of John was put in the Bible and not the Gospel of Thomas, her opinion is that they both represented opposing view points in Christianity at the time and that John lent itself towards a more orthodox building and since the people putting together the Bible wanted to make everyone come together and form an orthodox religion and church and such they chose to put John in.  I'll tell you though I read the Gospel of Thomas and there are things in it that I just don't get and can't understand why Jesus would ever say stuff like that.  It is making my head hurt, this book, and I need to be able to sit down with Thomas and read it over and over and a find a book that would possibly explain it a little more to me and then sit down with my Bible and this new understanding of Thomas and go through this novel bit by bit to try and understand what she's saying and where she's coming from because when I read or hear other people's opinions on God and their own religion I don't like to just hate their viewpoint and disagree with every point that is coming out of their mouths until I can fully understand where they are coming from and know exactly what I believe about something that directly disagrees with their opinion and that is why I don't agree with them, but I don't have the time right now with all the other classes I'm taking to sit down and give this book and her opinions and my own opinions the time they nee.  it's driving me crazy and I just wanted to vent a bit I apologize, so if anyone knows what I'm talking about and has some references I could use or just some insight in general send me some love!!!
<3 me
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