Spent last night at Taylor's

Jan 01, 2013 16:03

Happy New Year, everyone! Anyway, not the point of me showing up here. So as I said, I was at Taylor's last night but she had to work until 9:30 and that meant that I was alone in her house for a couple hours. Matt and I were chatting on Skype and I was starting to get kind of hot and bothered and that was the moment that Taylor walked in the door. Which inspired part of today's conversation . . .

[3:26:02 PM] Molly (or Mollu): It was a little hard not to glare at Taylor for her horrific timing.
[3:27:13 PM] Mr. Kinsey: Ha, I may have glared at her just a bit myself.
[3:28:49 PM] Molly (or Mollu): We'll make up for it tenfold when we see each other, I'm sure.
[3:32:14 PM] Mr. Kinsey: Which, into my surprise, may be sooner than I initally thought.
See, she sent me a message sometime last night, saying that if I hurt you in any way, she'd drive down here and castrate me (which is something I thought was fantastic.  I'm glad you have protective friends like that :3), and then we continued our conversation, about how adopting her has perks, like, oh, you know, you coming with her to Missouri this summer.
[3:36:33 PM] Molly (or Mollu): Well, no promises, but if she takes the trip down there's no way I'm not going. Although she'd probably walk in on us, given her history. XD
Taylor is wonderful, by the way, despite the cockblocking. You ought to meet her.
[3:38:23 PM] Mr. Kinsey: Well, I will most definitely keep my fingers crossed, because having the chance to see you so relatively soon?  There's no way I couldn't.
And if she would walk in on us, well, she'll have quite the show, I assure you xD
And she sounds great, from the short conversation we've had so far :3
[3:41:51 PM] Molly (or Mollu): She seems to approve of you. Which I appreciate. We both tend to be wary when our friends get into relationships because our friend was in a really terrible one. So I can see her being protective. :P
[3:43:22 PM] Mr. Kinsey: Well, I told her, if I do hurt you (spoiler:  I'd rather bring harm to myself than see that happen in any way, shape, or form), I'd give her directions myself :P
And I'm glad she approves.  I'd hate it if she hated me :/
[3:47:02 PM] Molly (or Mollu): Me, too. Her approval solidifies the fact that she has excellent judgement.
[3:47:34 PM] Mr. Kinsey: Aw, I wouldn't say that :$
But still, it makes my role as Molly's Boyfriend much, much easier.
[3:49:18 PM] Molly (or Mollu): Glad it's an easy role for you, 'cause I'd rather like to keep you in it for a long time.
[3:50:59 PM] Mr. Kinsey: And you will, if I can help keep myself there.

We are vomitrocious, aren't we?

kinsllu, matthew, taylor

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