Well, I just put together a quiz on Quizilla and thought someone would be interested in taking it.
Besides, I'd like to expand it and input would be nice. ^_^
Discover which Yuyu Hakusho character you are! Oh, and I took some other quizzes.
Your soulmate is Kurama!!! Aw, you got my sexy
bishounen!!! Anyway, he's really romantic and
sweet and will never let you down. He would
kill you and would probably die without you.
He's REALLY hOt and gets hotter when he
transforms into Yoko...Yum!
Who's your anime soulmate? (Girls only) brought to you by
Quizilla Kurama *_* I think there's a typo in there, though.
+what genre of anime best suits you?+*pics*! brought to you by
Quizilla Considering the other options from this quiz, uh, yeah.
Friend...is there anything better than having a
boyfriend that is also a good friend?! Someone
you can laugh and just be yourself with?!
What's Your Perfect Anime Boyfriend?! brought to you by
Quizilla That's the problem, though. I can never get passed the "friend" stage. ~.~;
Kenshin Himura, the deep eyed wanderer from Ruroni
Kenshin is your ideal man. He is very sensitive
and very kind. A fierce sense of protectiveness
and honor defines him, but at times his past
comes back to haunt him. Sadly our favorite
swordsman's eligibility is being threatened by
Karou, the assistant master of the Kame Kashjin
style of swordplay.
Aaah! Kawaii! Who is your ideal anime guy? brought to you by
Quizilla Kenshin! He's so sweet! ^_^x
Welcome to the dark side! You are a true otaku.
Congrats! ^_^
Otaku, or just pathetic? brought to you by
Quizilla ^_^;> I don't know about that... I just know some of the terminology. Okay, a lot of the terminology.
Now if only I could find myself a guy who was like Kenshin, or Kurama, or both in one!
Of course, right now I'd just like to get a job so I can pay my own bills. ~.~;