RL stuff!

Mar 10, 2008 15:10

I just wanted to show you how sweet is my sister.
I know that sometimes people think that i'm a bit rude with her, but it's just 'cause i know that she loves me TOO much. I mean. I don't want her to love me so deeply, it scares me a bit.

Well, when i said that she scares me i meant this:

A Hyoga/Shun comic. I don't understand the whole story but the plot is something like this: Shun discovers that Hyoga's favourite dishes is chicken, and he loves chicken too, so decides to cook for Hyoga, but he's a terrible Chef. But Hyoga, in order not to hurt poor little Shun, eats the disgusting meal pretending that was delicious.

MARRIAGE PICTURE XDDD Shiryu is lovely! (the quality is crappy cause since i don't have any scanner i had to take picture)


SHE'S 8 AND SHE IS A FANGIRL!! OMG! She draws yaoi at the age of 8! Aaaargh! xDD ( oh yes, i'm proud of her xD She draws better than me, by the way)

And this is what she does with Paint:

Isn't she lovely? Shuuun!<3
My sister is definitely growing up very well xD

And that is what i do instead of studying. Ugh.

Evil!Moz. I love The Smiths

I know that my sister's drawings are better xD But, damn, school is soo boring ;_;

ship:shun/hyoga, life:sister, anime:saint seiya, life:general

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