I'm moving! Okay, I'm only moving my knitting stuff. This blog is going to revert to being a personal journal, with friends-locked posts. All of my knitting stuff is moving to Blogger. That means you will have to read me there, if you want to continue reading about my knitting.
I know there have been several LiveJournal users who have friended me because they read my knitting posts. (And I can't express how flattered and surprised I am!) Don't worry - you can still read my knitting posts via LiveJournal, if you want to. You just need to add the feed I created to your friends list, and you will be notified every time I post about knitting to my Blogger blog. Click on this to do it:
bowerbirdknits For those of you who prefer, you can subscribe to my Blogger knitting blog via Bloglines by clicking the following button:
And if you prefer the relatively low-tech approach, you can just
visit the site on your own from time to time.
(Or if you're a non-knitting friend who is sick to death of my knitting posts, you can just forget that they exist. Big sigh of relief, right? ;)
I will still be doing a big of knit blogging here. It's just a temporary thing. I'm doing a sock swap, and the recipient wants to be surprised with the finished product. I'll probably update that on LJ, just because I can put those posts behind cuts, so she doesn't have to see them. I'll link from Blogger, though, so if you want to see them, you won't miss them.
So, that's the story, ladies and gentlemen. Oh, and if you're wondering about where the new blog name came from, visit the site! The first post (scroll to the bottom, or clink the link in the sidebar) explains it all. Some of what's there are cross-posts from here, but there are also a few posts there that never appeared here. Have fun!