I've got more knitting pictures, today: the finished socks, and the beginning of Rogue.
Here are the socks. You can see that the color patterning is slightly different between the socks. Also, one is a smidge shorter than the other. Close enough. They fit wonderfully!
And here is the beginning of Rogue. I have just begun row 16 of chart A. The cables are starting to settle more into place. When I began them, I thought they looked prety bad. I think it's going to be okay, though. Seeing how much this yarn relaxed after a bath, I'm fairly confident that any funkyness caused by stiffness will sort itself out in the end. (For reference, the curling slanty part at the bottom is the hem. It will be folded under and sewn in place, eventually.) The method of closing off the cables (on row 16 of Chart A) is fabulous. 7 lines of instructions were surprisingly easy to follow and figure out, and produced a beautiful result. I'm so excited when I get to do something new!