My new (old) blog

May 22, 2013 16:57

I’ve been feeling slightly cast adrift from fandom recently. I frequent LJ, tumblr and twitter, but I don’t feel like any of them is my online ‘home’. Not having a central port of call has meant I’ve found myself wanting to engage with TV/music/books less. Which, in turn, has made me a little sad.

So! In order to carve out my own little corner of internetland, I’ve resurrected my blog:

There’s nothing much new there yet - just a few repurposed reviews/rambles from LJ/tumblr/goodreads - but I’m planning to write at least one or two blog posts a week from now on. Hopefully this will be a bit of a fannish renaissance for me - and I certainly hope you’ll join me by offering your comments and insights.

If you’re thinking, “shit, Nicola, I can’t be bothered to go to your blog all the time to check for new entries” - fear not! I’ll be linking to any new blog posts at LJ/tumblr/twitter, so all you need to do is… nothing. :)
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