Fannish pursuits

Jun 15, 2012 11:09

It’s summer - maybe not in weather terms (thanks for the rain, England), but in terms of me just wanting to watch brain-free reality TV. So I’ve been enjoying The Amazing Race Australia (which some kind soul is uploading to youtube). I think TAR AU might have the edge over the original recipe TAR simply because all the contestants in the Australian version are so nice. It’s weirdly refreshing. Even the self-anointed “bad guys”, the Alphas (lolololol) are… basically still pretty likeable. My favourites at this stage are the Italian schoolteachers, who are just hilarious.

I’m still reeling from an amazing season of Game of Thrones, even if it did end with a whimper rather than a bang. (Oh, I know why they couldn’t show the full extent of Dany’s ‘Alice in Wonderland’ experience in the House of the Undying, but it was still disappointing to see a great book sequence cut off at the knees.) I need to do a hardxcore rewatch (and maybe re-read books 2 and 3, too) and perhaps then I’ll come up with some thoughts beyond akiyhaksdfgkhsgh!!!1

Most of my fannish brain space at the moment is taken up by women’s gymnastics. The fight to be on the US Olympic team is intense. There’s a reason the nickname for the process ‘The Hunger Games’ has taken root in fandom. And all my favourites seem to be close to falling by the wayside (*three finger salute*).

In a surprising display of non-evil by the USA gymnastics organisation, you can actually stream all the recent US competitions easily and completely legally (gasp! I know!). These two competitions basically form the first two legs of the Olympic trials, with the final leg being in two weeks.

US Classic
US Nationals

Also, hat tip to glamaphonic on tumblr, who’s put together really informative profiles of each of the key US gymnastics contenders.

In conclusion: gymnastics! *\o/*

game of thrones, the amazing race, tv, gymnastics

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