I was at the library today and I saw
Stephenie Meyer, Queen of Twilight: The Biography on the shelves. As if gripped by a ~supernatural force, I picked it up, sat down and wasted ten minutes of my life skim-reading it.
I just. couldn't. not.
Juicy tidbits: Stephenie only dated "nice boys" in high school and all her friends were "nice girls" (vom). But, in college, Stephenie rebelled... by (I kid you not) listening to THE EVIL ROCK MUSIC.
Flashforward through marriage and kids, into a long, long discussion about how Stephenie found getting her magnum opus published ~sooo difficult, and how the world almost never got to experience the magic of sparkly vampires. *tear*
The best/worst part was that there was a whole chapter (A WHOLE CHAPTER) devoted to Stephenie's deep and pure love for Jack's Mannequin. No, really.