True Blood #2.01

Jun 16, 2009 17:18

It’s not just me, the season premiere of True Blood sucked, right? (Sucked. HahahahaGAG.)

Seriously, I felt like I was watching five different shows and they were all kind of boring. There was:
The tale of Little Orphan Annie Tara;

Tiny violin time as sadly-maligned psychic waitress Sookie mourns her grandma and suffers boyfriend trouble;

Goofy comedy as Jason finds God;

Cracked-out magic realist porn involving Lady Who Never Ages and a shapeshifter (little scarred by that, tbqh - just as I was scarred by the sex in American Gods);

Wacky vampire family melodrama with Bill and Jessica;

Smalltown murder mystery with voodoo overtones;

Disturbing slavery parable.

Okay, so seven different shows. Christ. This show needs some goddamn cohesion.

Also, depressingly, I still really, really ship Sam/Sookie. Ack. I know this will never be fannishly fruitful. It’s basically a really boring ship. But. He loooooves her. He loves her so much - while also shitting all over her for daring to not love him back. Romantic. *___*


I think I need a new ship. Instead of going for the depressing pseudo-conventional ship, I need to do my usual thing of just picking random characters who barely interact and latching onto them as my OTP.

Right. New ship:


Who’s with me?

trueblood, tv

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