song rec; beta request

Oct 31, 2007 13:02

If you listen to a song obsessively on repeat, you should upload it. That's the rule!

Iron + Wine - Flightless Bird, American Mouth (to download: "music" + "invasion")

This song makes me burst spontaneously into tears, but not because it's sad -- because it's so, so beautiful. *flaily hands*

ALSO. I am writing Cobra Starship fic. (It's distracting me entirely from my original fiction. Ack. :/) I will need a beta sometime soon. Someone to tell me that my lapses into non-linear storytelling make no sense. Someone to tell me I shouldn't try to write romance without tongue planted firmly in cheek. Someone to tell me that I suck, basically. Anyone up for it?

ETA: Aha! Joining the illustrious list of people who share my birthday (Julian Barratt!) is... Nate Novarro from Cobra Starship! Me, Nate and Julian: secretly all the same person?!? May the 4th be with you!

iron+wine, music, song recs

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