This photographic review is going to cover a lot of bases, get ready to be toured around my life for the past week ish...
Starting with a shopping trip to Tesco...a HUGE supermarket, more like superstore that is super cheap so we go there for nearly would you like sandwich meat w/ the picture of Billy Bear on it for your lunches?! SO CREEPY that we had to sneak a photo in tesco...poor children, poor children...
After Tesco, Caroline (from Georgia) made an excellent southern dinner and Erik and Ben played guitar and sang blue grass and a few other songs, including snoop dogs Gin and Juice for us which was an excellent time...they're quite a talented bunch...
Left to right, Lauren (USA), Erik (USA), Naomi (Australian)
Katharine in black (USA), Caroline on floor and Lauren in background were singing along to Erik and Ben playing Brown Eyed Girl. Caroline's roommate is taking a video in the background, she is also Canadian.
Friday was Australia day so we went to Walkabout an Australian themed up with Carol Anne, Naomi and Jo who are all australian and they got to wear flags and dance around to austrailian music and sing the anthem at the top of their lungs, it was quite a good night, i dont' have any photos when i get some though I'll put a few up.
On Saturday we decided to go to a Piping Concert but it was quite expensive and there was a free concert in the evening, so instead we took the Underground (locally called the Clockwork Orange) to Hillhead station, near Glasgow Botanical Gardens and the local knitting store...
The statoin closest to the Uni is Buchanan where we started and we went to Hillhead.
Anita, Carol Anne, Jo, Katharine, Naomi waiting to go exploring...
Anita (Canadian), Katharine, Carol Anne (Austrailian), Jo (Aussie), Naomi at Kibble Palace a conservatory in the Botanical Garden. We spent a while wandering around looking at the plants, and the Killer Plant section and then carried onto the other building which had lovely orchids and such. If you really want to see flower photos I'll post them later...We also wandered a few vintage shops and such while we were in the area and found a used book store.
From Kibble Palace we headed back into the centre of town and went to the Celtic Connections Free Stage. This is one of the bands, my favourite who I hope to see again before I leave known as Lazy Boy Chair. They were brillant, rock and roll of the celtic world if you will and if I can get their cd you will all have to hear them when I get home.
There is a guitar player on the left who got cut off however, they had a full drum knit, bongo drum, accordian, bass guitar, two fiddles, bango and a guitar...they were incredibly up beat and definatly all just in it for the music, they got everyone up and dancing during their set. We also saw a few other incredible bands from Wales and Shetland during this two hour concert it was quite an introduction to the local music scene.
On Sunday night we had a potluck in my flat which turned out to be a great is us enjoying our grub...
Tuesday night we went to see an Ompah band at the Union (the student campus pub) however they'd left before we got there but drinks were only 99p (about 2.25$) which is quite cheap so we had a few and danced for a couple hours before going back to Eriks and hanging out for a while. It was a good time othe rthen being incredibly hot in the club.
This week has been rather quite with classes and such. Carol Anne and I both have wednesdays off so we went to Hillhead again to go to the vintage shops, wander around and do some shopping etc.
Thursday and friday were spending in class, doing errands and workig on clapotis who is going along quite beautifully at the moment.
the rest of these pics will be some buildings and such from around the City during the past few days
This is near the local hospital where I had to go to register for a doctor for during my stay if I should need medical attention.
This cathedral is just across from where the University village is. I'm going to go to mass there one weekend just to see what its like inside as its not open very long ours during the day.
A scottish ambulence, on the perchance you should even need to recognize one. the drivers where green one peice (atleast they look like one peice) jump suits that are about the same colour as the very popular easter green or kelly green..i'm sure they were a smash hit when they were introduced.
This is the university of strathclyde theatre in the centre with the blue gates, quite posh i would say. Hopefully we'll get to see something in it while i'm here.
Well this is my 'week in review for this week' tune in again soon for more photos and excellent commentary!