
Nov 06, 2006 11:24

Oh Amazon, why dost thou tempt me to wreak furious injury on my checking account?

Did you know that there are SIX compilations of recipes from the Gilroy Garlic Festival?  I had not known that...ah, for some play money...lol

I went gambling for the first time last night!  My friend Tommy likes to go and invited me along.  I didn't have any  money to put toward the venture, so he gave me $20 to play with.  Now, Tommy swears that when he brings someone with him he has good luck.  We'd been there five minutes and he won $1500 on one of the machines.  And wherever we went it was the same.  I played with that same $20 all night and ended up coming home with $40.  Tommy picked up another few hundred dollars.  So it was a good night!  We had a lot of fun.  I'd never been in a casino before--they're so pretty!  The one we went to is all set up to look like a studio backlot with movie sets everywhere and old movie posters and stuff...it was really neat.  The only weird thing about it is that you have no sense of time passing--there aren't any windows, so it could be any time of day at all.  And it's also set up like a maze--I had no idea where I was in relation to anything else for most of the night ;)

Elements class tonight--I like that one.  I love any class that involves a craft of some sort...

Definitely a busy weekend.  We had a show Saturday night, wrap-up is in cassyndrome.  Yesterday I had a group of people over for mead-making.  This month's is a maple mead.  I probably won't brew next month--December is just too darn crazy.  January's will probably be a straightforward still show mead that I can then subdivide for experimentation.

And that's pretty much it today.  Hope everyone had a fun weekend :)

books, mead, gambling, weekend

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