from scorpionrose

Oct 07, 2008 15:07

x-posted from ms scorpionrose 's livejournal:

They're calling it...

Bras for the Cause

Until 10/16, the volunteer committee here at my office (those lucky bastards I make insane amounts of cookies for periodically) will be collecting donations of bras. They're then going to string them along Hwy 15 here in Frederick for all to see, and then send them to a dry cleaner, and then on to a local women's shelter.

BRILLIANT idea, if you ask me :)

SO, if you're like me and have a stash of bras in the bottom of your closet that you're never likely to use, or have some extra $$ to go pick some up from your local thrift store/Goodwill/Target/etc, please send them along my way and I'll make sure they make it to the highway lol

For those of you not quite near to Frederick, but closer to, say, Leesburg, I could take your donations when I'm at Esoterica for class and pass them along. I teach Thursday nights--just drop them off at the store :D

Thanks folks :)


dragon egg, bras for the cause

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