An Open Letter to the Internet on the Subject of SPN

Feb 15, 2008 17:05

Dear Intrawebs,

How is it nowhere on you is a streaming copy of last night's Supernatural? Even the Evil Empire the CW lacks it. You are full of fail.

And yet you gave me two episodes of Torchwood. Well done, you. B for effort.


So yeah, Torchwood. Also known as The Episode Where We All Learn Ianto Is Secretly A Twelve-Year-Old Girl.

First up, "Adam." Hrm. Bullet points:

- Oh, Rhys, why must you be so awesome, even when your crazy, alien-chasing girlfriend has gotten selective amnesia? Seriously, the two of them are so cute, why's the show hating on them so much?

- Speaking of - yeah, Gwen's totally going to leave him at the alter. I know I keep harping on this, but I have so much hate for that plot that it really bugs me to see the show going there. Also, I called it first and out loud instead of just in my head like usual, so there.

- Nerd!Owen is adorable and I'm going on the assumption that Adam changed more than just his memories of Torchwood to get that result because, much as I dislike normal Owen, a lot of his asshole-ness *does* stem from some deep damage and that goes back a lot further than his tenure with Jack.

- Oh, Jack. While the Tragic Backstory is cliched at this point, I kind of liked how they filled his out a bit. Ties in nicely to John's comments in the opener and starts explaining part of what drove Jack so much when we first met him. Also, a hint about his commentary last year on joining the military when he was a kid? Possibly to get his own back against whatever attacked his home?

- Also, loved that Jack played baseball with his dad. Actually, loved that entire final sequence with him. Just beautifully done.

- So, confirmation that Ianto is not a serial killer or a sociopath but just a really big girl, as he keeps a diary like one. No, seriously, I kind of love that about him - he's so dry and snarky most of the time that it's nice to see him be a really big dork occasionally. Also, how much you want to bet Jack is just randomly going to start yelling out "Tape measure!" whenever he wants to see how fast Ianto turns beet red?

- Jack saves the day through love. He's kind of a like a Tinkerbell Doctor, except less floating and more actual personal contact. And sex.

- I...have very little to say about Tosh. Although, at this point, she's definitely getting laid far more often than anyone else on the team with the possible exception of Gwen. It's too bad she went back to being the sad-sack-in-love at the end. Confident!Tosh is pretty friggin' hot.

"Reset." Bullet points:

- They brought back mah beloved Martha! Huzzah!

- I love how Jack got so excited to see her and their scenes were so lovely. It's obvious Martha is interested in him in a sort of, "My, aren't you a handsome man," way, but is also perfectly comfortable with him as a good friend and not actually serious about pursuing anything more. Although, I kinda dig how up front she is with her prurient interest by pushing Ianto's buttons.

- Corpse-in-a-Car! For all of your emergency needs! Like Tosh could get anymore awesome.

- Owen does not get eaten by bears. He does, however, get shot through his own stupidity.

...okay, that was a little mean and they were actually getting closer and closer to him acting like an actual human being, but still, Owen? Honey? You don't go up to the mad scientist with the gun and give him the whole "But you and I are *rational* men" spiel. 'Cause everyone knows that's pretty much going to end badly.

- Tosh = Kiss of Death. Seriously, 4 for 4 in the Lover Deadpool. Poor kid. I hope she hooks up with Martha Jack Rhys when he's on the rebound from Gwen.

- In some ways, Jack has become more Doctor-like. His disgust over the Mayflies - and specifically, the line about turning them into parasites - very much echoes one of the Doctor's more positive traits: comfort with change but disgust with corruption. As a reflection both on his time with the Doctor, the Year That Wasn't and his own experiences, it actually feels like a good bit of natural character growth for him. And as a move away from last year's "Kill 'em all and let's sort through the corpses later," I heartily approve.

- Bit off the preview - Owen's twenty-seven? What, seriously? ::sigh:: You know, it is okay to have a character over the age of thirty on your series. They don't even have to be Catherine Tate or nine-hundred-year-old aliens! For real!

supernatural, torchwood

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