Dog Shows and Dresden Files

Feb 12, 2008 14:11

I am no longer allowed to watch the Westminster Club Dog Show. Mostly it has to do with those stupid Pedigree commercials that make me cry. Seriously, every time I see the one with the dog in the pound and David Duchovany starts talking about how every time a dog gets adopted, another one doesn't, I just go "No! No, cute dog, you shouldn't be in a pound! I WILL TAKE YOU HOME AND LOVE YOU! DON'T DIE ON ME, DAMMIT!"

Followed by embarrassed blubbering.

So, I am hereby banning myself. No more dog show for me. No more adorable, pretty, fuzzy puppies. No. Sir.

Oh, god, I already know I'm going to watch. I'm so weeeeeaaaaaak.

In other, completely unrelated news: Jim Butcher novelette illustrated by Mike Mignola.

And it's from Thomas' point of view.

You can't see it, but I'm already drooling.

dresden files, dogs

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