So you know when your insane when....

Feb 09, 2010 00:45

So you know when your insane
  1. You haven't slept for five days- no seriously look it up, you're actually clinically insane if you haven't slept in five days,,,,
  2. You walk into work and find your friend on top off the ice machine making cat noises
  3. You start to realize that the only reason you're actually friends; well with your friends is because the only time you seem normal, is when you're with them .
  4. You may have noticed it was cold outside- but you figured that now was as good as time as any to point it out to well yourself
  5. You talk to your stuff animals- which oddly enough you named; Larry, Leon, Louie, and Frank
  6. You have all the symptoms of undiagnosed ADD, ADHD, AND OCD
  7. You have no problem becoming a crazy cat lady; except for the fact the you are not a cat person
  8. You don't have comfort food- you have comfort books
  9. You wish your life was a faerie tale- and are holding out for that hunk in your
  10. Your friends and you have decided to create a machine that will bring that hunk to life... and the machine could possibly double as a cloning device... for those rainy days
  11. You just realized you were of drinking age
  12. .... and finally... You just realized that .... this is probably all about you... or me ... depending on how you look at it
I guess this means I'm insane...

absolute madness

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