Four down, three to go...

Nov 16, 2004 08:22

I'm considering writing a very offensive email to my english teacher. not because I don't like him (even though he moved up my presentation by five days and told me yesterday that I'm gonna have to do it on wednesday) but because I've emailed him eight times this semester and have received not one response from him. every time I ask him if he's gotten my papers, he says he thinks so and he'll check on it. I hate not knowing where I stand in a class.

But I love the end of the semester. The leaves turn pretty colors, it's cold enough to wear socks, and so many people start cutting class that it's supereasy to find parking places.

I got into an argument the other night. Some jerkface :) said that I am a lame-o 'cause I think people don't like me and I'm shy. Which is not true. I just tend to hang out with people who are much louder and attention-hoggy, and I get lost and forgotten about. Plus I'm a judgemental bitch who doesn't like people. Those traits combined make for a lot of alone time, some of which I like (or used to like, back in the good old days when I lived alone...). Too much alone time makes for a sad christina, though, so I'm trying to make an effort to make new friends. "Trying" being the operative word...

It should snow. That would be cool.
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