FUN-D-racing on the weekend

Oct 09, 2007 11:41

...with a D for ducks.

Duck-Race - Based on concepts that are over 200 years old and that were developed for raffles, lotteries and fund-raisers, our event offers a slightly more dramatic way to pick winners.

Our character, the distinctively different Racing-Duck,is offered to the public by way of donation. Figure ten, twenty, or even thirty thousand of these little Rubber Ducks being sponsored by the public in the hope of winning a big prize but for sure to donate money to a good cause.

The public will attend, the media will cover it, corporations will benefit from the association, the charity will generate badly needed funds and a recurring event will be established in the community. All because a few tons of these benevolent Racing-Ducks were dropped into a river, canal,stream or other body of water, go for a short swim and possibly win a prize for its proud "sponsor" who watches from the river bank.

After the race is over, a party follows forthwith where everybody celebrates the money raised, the sponsors who offer their support, and the media that covers it and in general - pats everyone on the back.

It's a feel-good party that raises money for worthy causes. (Source)

Looks like a slow going, but you can see the carpet of rubber ducks filling the whole Neckar river with yellow colours - and thousands lining the river banks, having fun to cheer their rubber duck, which works as a 3€ lottery ticket from the Round Table Tuebingen, which supports worthy causes in and around town, with the first 400 ducks (of thousands) winning one of the prizes donated by the regional industry and merchants. Very nice - and worth imitating. (And more action-flilled on days with faster going of the water body, i.e. after rain on the previous day)

Plus: What to read after Harry Potter?
There's a whole LJ-community for this question, which I can suggest reading: lifeafterharry answers this question time and again, with both trusted classics and new works and worlds suggested by other Hogwarts fans. One suggestion I took is a webcomic: Gunnerkrigg Court is a very unusual school - with the usual british four houses and school uniforms - where very unusual things happen. Very much worth reading:

What else to read after Harry Potter? I'll check out titles at the Frankfurt International BookFair, the world's largest bookfair - starting tomorrow.

webcomics, books, funstuff

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