I do not shrink from Game of Thrones for pagecount reasons

Jun 01, 2012 16:15

[g+ xpostz0rz]

I can't remember when I started on my from-the-top Aubrey-Maturin rereadthrough (in the past, I'd read about half of 'em, and I started with the third book in the series and missed some from the middle, and anyway I was very hurried about it). It was somewhere around the new year, though.

In any case, going by Amazon paperback page counts, I am now 3,960 pages into the damn things. I just hit The Reverse of the Medal, in which I believe some pretty crappy career-devastating things are going to happen; on the other hand, Sam Panda is mere pages from showing up, and I'm looking forward to making his acquaintance again. (And knowing which giant jerkface gets dissected, a couple of books out or so, will be somewhat of a source of satisfaction.)

I still can't decide if it's quite the right thing, to read these books all in one go. Probably! You do encounter editorial mistakes of the kind that wouldn't happen these days ("Awkward Davis" will, at some point soon, turn into "Awkward Davies"; I'm uncertain whether O'Brian remembers that young Mr. Williamson had his arm blown off a couple of books back). And the author must re-explain certain situations, book by book, in a way that is merely conscientious but has a weird stylistic effect if you're reading continuously.

Even so, it's all one huge long story of years and years in two dudes' lives, and it benefits from being taken in one huge enormous gulp. Wait. That sounded weird.
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