Spastic Music!

Oct 15, 2006 16:21

I've finally started using Itunes... my music selections is a little... special. I've got Latin, Folk, Rock, Electronica, and Children's Music. One of each. Weeha! Wapato!
Also finally picked up my chocolate from the office... they're supposed to be shredded coconut pieces and katydids... right now they're oddly shaped choco bricks. Mmm.
Also finally gave in and bought Fish Tycoon... been playing that incessantly lately :)
Discovered 3 magic fishies in 3 days :) The game is so addicting ^^;
I've not been playing WoW... needed a break.
They had a diva at the Pride in the Desert day, used to be called Out-toberfest, guess they didn't like that one *shrugs* She was so awesome. I also brought home a quickbooks towel, an intuit paperweight and an intuit yoyo. The yoyo lights up :) reviewing this journal entry I can see where the spasticness in my music comes from ^^;
I've been watching Silly Song with Larry a lot lately... so much fun.
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