Title: Don’t Be Scared
Fandom: My Chemical Romance.
Characters: Frank Anthony Iero x Gerard Arthur Way.
Table: 4.
Prompt: 026. Nervous.
Word Count:
Rating: G.
Summary: “It is okay to be nervous but do not let them over take you.”
Author's Notes: I appreciate any and all comments and criticism. Set in England during the 1930s-1940s. Dates and history may be off. Apologies.
Disclaimer: The characters in this story, though based on stage personas/media personalities, are entirely fictional. Any offence caused by their use or portrayal is wholly unintentional.
Dedications: The girl
faithfulriver26. The guy
silencing_sam. The wife
comeththegirl. Cheers loves.
Link To Table:
My Table Don’t Be Scared
When Gerard awakes on the first official day of working for the Iero family his nerves hit him square in the face. His thoughts are going a mile a minute; various versions of ‘What if I mess up?’ are the main attraction. He hurriedly gets dressed in the black tailored suit and white shirt, the black shoes give him the most trouble, the ties are too complicated and too thin for his large fingers so he gets Alexia to tie them for him. She smiles at his appearance and he smiles at hers, her dress is deep red while the others were black or grey.
“The Mistress chose me to her ‘lady in waiting’ like the Mistress’ son chose you. I’m nervous Gerard I’ll be sent home if I make a mistake.”
“It is okay to be nervous but do not let them over take you.” The two of them leave and make their way down the stairs, Gerard briefly glancing at the door to the attic before focusing his energy and attention on not messing up and not letting his nerves grab hold of him. He succeeded as he entered the drawing room, their Mistress sitting in a high-backed chair with all her skirts flowing about her feet. When they were all in a row again the Mistress addressed them in soft but sharp tones.
“You will rise at daybreak and help prepare breakfast then you shall serve breakfast and have you own after the table is cleared. You will then prepare the house for guests and make sure you are respectable, all of you. You may leave except you two.” She pointed at Gerard and Alexia. They stayed behind and waited nervously as the others fled out.
“Name. Age and birthday. Start with you.”
“Alexia Collins. August seventeenth, 1919. Sixteen years old ma’am.” Alexia spoke quietly and added a curtsy.
“Gerard Arthur Way. Twenty-one years old born April ninth, 1914. Ma’am.” Gerard bowed low but didn’t retain eye contact.
“You were born during the World War?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“What is your mother’s name?” Gerard was confused as to why his mother’s name was important but answered anyway.
“Donna Lee Way ma’am.”
“I see. Alexia you may leave, see that she is properly trained Elaina.” The lady in question escorted Alexia away while Gerard stood perfectly still in front of the Mistress, his nervousness dripping from him.
“What of your father?”
“I do not know much ma’am. Only his name.” Gerard replied with another bow.
“Donald Way ma’am.”
“Did he leave your mother?”
“No ma’am. He died before the war ended mere days before my brother was born.” Gerard coughed. “I am told he loved us dearly.” As he had been speaking the Mistress had been walking around him.
“You have the task of waking my son at seven each morning like his father he is impossible to wake so the task is left to you. My son will tell you what you need to do. I suggest you wake him now if I am to have the pleasure of his company. You may leave.”
“Yes ma’am,” Gerard bowed once more and walked backward to the door before leaving and heading upstairs. His whole body a bundle of nerves as he climbed the stairs.
Thank you for reading. Comments an criticism are both welcome and appreciated.