Title: Sleep, Sleep, Little Darling
Fandom: My Chemical Romance.
Characters: Frank Anthony Iero x Gerard Arthur Way.
Table: 4.
Prompt: 008. Insomniac.
Word Count: 792
Rating: G.
Summary: “I couldn’t sleep and the sky helps me long. Is that a problem sir?”
Author's Notes: I appreciate any and all comments and criticism. Set in England during the 1930s-1940s. Dates and history may be off. Apologies.
Disclaimer: The characters in this story, though based on stage personas/media personalities, are entirely fictional. Any offence caused by their use or portrayal is wholly unintentional. Title credit: Hawthorne Heights - Light Sleeper
Dedications: The girl
faithfulriver26. The guy
silencing_sam. The wife
comeththegirl. Cheers loves.
Link To Table:
My Table Sleep, Sleep, Little Darling
That night while laying on the bed he had been given as his own Gerard tossed and turned, his shoulder length black hair thrown out behind him to rest on the too soft pillow, stark against the white, his green eyes struggling beneath his eyelids. No matter which way he turned or how many times he tried to get comfortable, he failed. Sighing he opened his eyes and looked up at the black abyss that was the ceiling, he sat up and threw his legs over the side, not needing to be silent for anyone in the room he paced. He’d been given his own room because he was Frank’s and he was the oldest.
Even now several hours later it still felt strange to be called Frank’s. Although that wasn’t how he’d imagined it, being Frank’s property, he was still glad that he was Frank’s in some way, shape or form - he wouldn’t pay attention to words if he could help it.
Sighing once more he pulled on a little light overcoat and crept to the door, listening for any noises from beyond, hearing none he opened the door and again crept to the door to his right - it led up to the attic that much he was sure of - he pushed that door open a fraction and snuck in, closing it gently behind him plunging himself into darkness. He prayed that none of the stairs creaked as he climbed them, his bare feet cold against the wood beneath them. The stairs opened up into an attic that could have held his house. It was dark but for a small beam of moonlight that shone through the skylight, that was what he headed for, his eyes straining to see the floor hoping it was clear of things that could make noise or cause him to trip and fall. It was.
The night sky beckoned to him and not for the first time he wished that he could grow wings and soar up there and join the birds. The moon seemed bigger here than it did in London, in London the smog was three times as bad as it was here, blocking out the natural beauty with a vengeance. He was so wrapped up in the moon and his thoughts that he didn’t notice his company until they spoke, their voice groggy with sleep.
“What are you doing up here?”
Gerard choked as his eyes widened. “I’m sorry sir. I didn’t realize this is where you slept. I’ll leave.” As he made to leave the attic his wrist was enveloped once again in a strong grip, he shivered at the cold and at that grip, the skin on skin contact felt wonderful. It was familiar. Familiar was good he realised.
“That’s twice you’ve refused to answer my questions first time,” there is humour on Frank’s voice as he speaks.
“I’m sorry. It’s something my mother once told me.” Gerard smiles weakly, tugging on his hand in a feeble attempt at removing it from Frank’s grip. His mind flashes back to the night on deck when they’d had their first kiss and he briefly wonders if it will happen again.
“I’ll ask one more time. What are you doing up here?”
“I couldn’t sleep and the sky helps me along. Is that a problem sir?”
“God no.” Frank replies and once again their lips are touching in a sweet kiss one of Gerard’s hands trapped in Frank’s the other of Frank’s is entangled in Gerard’s hair again gently tugging it trying to elicit a response from the older man; he gets the response he wanted when he pushes his hips against Gerard’s. It is a low hiss of air when he pulls away, Gerard is looking down at Frank who is biting his lip seductively just begging Gerard to kiss him but he refuses, leaning his forehead against Frank’s, the moonlight making both of their skin glow.
“Sir - “ Frank cuts him off.
“Sir Frank, this cannot happen. We would be killed, lynched everything. Society does not accept people like us lightly. It will be years possibly never before they do. It is smarter and safer if we act of our station. Me slave, you master. You own me please leave it at that.” The pleading of Gerard’s voice makes Frank’s heart twitch.
“Owning you is not enough. It will never be enough. I need to have you, to feel you, to hear you, to touch you. I need you to be mine in every way possible and I won’t give in until I get it.” With his parting words Gerard leaves, creeping his way down the stairs and back to his room, his body ready to pass out from sleep deprivation.
Thanks for reading. Comments and criticism are welcome. Special thanks to
comeththegirl for picking out the prompt.