sonnet 76

Jan 15, 2008 09:56

"Why is my verse so barren of new pride,
So far from variation or quick change?"

I have resolved it in my mind: As much as I am familiar with the campus, I will leave Queens College. They don't offer a Creative Writing major. I don't know that I want to major in it, or even minor in it, but I want to be able to write glittering prose. Not Comparative Literature, charming as it is, or English, that big ugly thing. I want to be writing.

Very important: I have to leave home. This is doable.

My brother is beginning to cotton to the idea of having a stepmother, and she's been staying here for days at a time. I outgrew mothers. I just have bad dreams about mine, occasionally.

Ever wonder what waterboarding feels like? Scylla knows. It's a pretty thoughtful dialog, too.

I'd like if the band "The Electric Presidents of the United States" existed.

An essay George Saunders wrote while in Dubai made me realize the urgency with which I have to get off the goddamn computer. He mentioned the grace of being human, which is something I do not think of often. "Grace" is often covered with religious trappings. I think I got it, though. I should be living better. Everything I eat should be my favorite meal.

The goddamn television I have weaned myself from. Now I'm not sure about cinema. I think it's mostly fine for my brain, but I can't be sure.

I'm only laughing because I'm nervous.

My desire for complete isolation is only overwhelmed by my desire to be held and petted and told that it's all right, everything will be all right. That's what I imagine god to be: A big hug, reassuring you that everything will be all right.
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