(no subject)

Dec 02, 2007 00:59

Here is what happened, the honest truth and in sequence:
My phone broke.
My professor gave me an alternate essay to write, based on Kafka's The Trial.
The neighbor lady told me she was worried about leaving her dog while she's away, so she'd have friends come by to check in. Okay.
The carpets were torn out of the house, and my things are all in boxes, including the copy of The Trial I need. The house was all splintery wood and old nails, so I left with my laptop, medicine, boxers, and a towel.
I went to see the Museum of Modern Art with Maggie and her friend. The artist of Perry Bible Fellowship was in the city, like Archit told me, but I didn't check the date he was to arrive and missed out.
I went back to Maggie's and realized I was supposed to work that evening, but the time had passed. I bored Maggie and slept on a couch.
My dad woke Maggie to make sure I was alright, despite me not being a mile from home.
I walked to the neighbor's house, where no one had visited and the dog had peed inside. I cleaned it up.
I went home, where I found the house reeking of eurythane and my father, brother, and I condemned to the basement. The internet connection had stopped working.
I am in the neighbor's now, without heat, and uncertain of where I should sleep.

Not to complain, but objectively speaking, things are really shitty and I am about as miserable as you would expect.

It is employee appreciation day at work, so if you want any books, music, or movies, let me know [or use amazon or overstock.com or buy.com or eBay].
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