I Hate You Too [eleven]

Sep 26, 2011 22:53

Title: I Hate You Too
Author: ipokebears
Pairing: Jalex / Merrikat
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Friends with benefits? Alex liked to think of it as enemies with benefits.
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, that's quite illegal.

You know the drill. A/N at the bottom.


“Are you sure he said Alex?”

The brunette is trying really hard to figure out why the hell Jack would ever want to talk to him, especially now of all times.

Zack looks upset, and for obvious reasons. Jack should be wanting his boyfriend, not Alex. And hell, anyone but Alex would make just a bit more sense.

“Yes, I am positive, Mr. Gaskarth. He said, and I quote, 'I would like to speak with Alex Gaskarth, if you could get him for me.'”

“But that doesn't make sen-”

“Irregardless if it makes sense,” the doctor began, and he was clearly getting pissed off at Alex, “Jack Barakat would like to talk to you and I would highly suggest you just go. He seems irritable.”

The last sentence kind of made him want to laugh. Jack? Irritable? The younger boy was never not irritable. There was always something or someone that pissed him off and right now is apparently no exception.

There's a short, petite nurse leading Alex to where Jack's room is (he was originally in an overflow room but they moved him into pediatrics. Alex kind of wants to laugh). The walls are colorful and happy, trying to make the children feel just a bit better about their surroundings.

The older boy knows, however, that none of it helps anything.

It could be simply just from the experience of the last time he was there. Or maybe the fact that nothing could possibly tear a child's focus away from the needles being pricked into their skin.

Or maybe it's just that Alex knows these hallways by heart. It makes him sick.

The fact that he knows every turn the nurse is taking, and it's probably a stupid assumption but Alex can't help but think about it. And then once she gets to the room, smiling at Alex and saying, “Well, we're here,” the sickness doesn't go away. If anything, it only gets worse.

Alex freezes by the door, and it's long after the nurse walks away that he finally decides to open the door, and he's still sick to his stomach.

He knows the room by heart as well. And he should. He spent over a month in said room, some of which he wasn't even conscious.

It was probably ridiculous to remember it. Hell, he was nine the last time he was in there. But he remembers everything about it. He even remembers his nurses names. All of them.

And mostly, he remembers the reason he was in there in the first place.

Said reason is now in the exact hospital room that he was. And now said reason is turning to face the older boy. And now he's smiling at him. And suddenly Alex feels like he's going to collapse, which really wouldn't be the greatest thing to do right now.

“Ironic, isn't it?”

Alex wants to laugh again. He wants to laugh so hard. He wants to slap the younger boy in the face and yell at him, however he can't really find the strength to. Besides, he doesn't think that would be the greatest idea.

“I have no idea what you're talking about.”

Lie after lie after lie. It's all the brunette seems to be doing lately, he decides, and it kind of pisses him off that this is what he's become. He's kind of ashamed and wants to die. Well, what else is new?

Jack eyes Alex for a moment, and the older boy isn't enjoying it. He doesn't like eye contact. He doesn't like a lot of things, most of which seem to be in the room, and hell, they fucking include the room.

“Who knew you could be such a great liar?” Jack asks finally, earning an eye roll from Alex, “Oh come on, faggot. I know what this room is. I spent just as much time in here as you did.”

“I seriously, seriously doubt tha-”

“You were unconscious for one week, three days, seven hours and forty four minutes.” Jack states, as if that wasn't some really creepy thing to say. Jack would be that oblivious, though.

Alex kind of wants to faint. He's in the right place to do it, after all. The perfect place, actually. It wouldn't really be for any certain medical reason. Just because the memory of the hospital room and the fact that Jack's in it just makes him sick.

The brunette zones out for a while, and he's upsetting himself by reliving that day. Alex does that to himself a lot. It's a little masochistic because he wants to relive it, but he can never take the wave of pain that comes with it.

Usually, that's when he starts blaming Jack for everything. And usually, it works. And Alex is happy again, as if he was perfectly fine all along.

“Alex!” Jack groans, slamming his hand on the bedside railing. The older boy snaps out of it, flinching at Jack's sudden voice, “What, dipshit?!”

“I've been calling your name for like three minutes! Are you fucking deaf?”

Alex half smiles at Jack's tone, because that's the Jack he knows. The one that he can bitch out while feeling no guilt or remorse after the fact. The Jack that Alex can actually deal with.

It's actually really stupid that Jack and Alex are the way they are. You would think with a history like theirs, that they would be perfectly content with ignoring each other til the end.

But no, that's not at all the case.

They constantly push each other, getting on each others nerves and laughing at the others misfortunes. It wasn't always like that, and looking back on their past, Alex sometimes gets kind of upset that they act so immature towards one another.

It's not going to stop, though. Alex knows that. Everything they've been through has been purely based on immaturity. Neither of them have ever made a mature decision when it came to the other.

Alex decides that's probably the reason they're exactly the way they are.

On the contrary, however, Alex doesn't think he'd change any of it.

“I'm not deaf, you just don't talk loud enough,” Alex counters, grabbing one of the chairs near the bed and dropping onto it. Jack pulls out one of his signature grins, and the older boy can just tell he's going to drop some smart ass remark, “It's kind of hard to talk louder, let alone breathe, when you've been hit with a tree.”

Alex chuckles, rolling his eyes at the younger boy, “Oh please! I remember that time when yo-”

The brunette's voice gets interrupted by his ringtone (which is still Barbie Girl, and okay, he really needs to change it). Jack's face drops a significant amount, but Alex ignores it, pulling his phone out of his pocket and answering the call.

“Sup, Lisa?”

Jack's face contorts into a confused one, trying to process the name. He knows that name, quite well actually, but he can't put a face to it and it's starting to really irritate him. However, the moment he hears the girl's voice from Alex's phone, everything starts making sense.

A bit more conversation proceeds, before Alex is hanging up and pushing himself out of the chair. Jack's even more confused now, so he makes some weird indescribable noise trying to get the older boy's attention.

He succeeds, however Alex is a little creeped out and is questioning whether Jack is some sort of unearthly creature.

“Zack's coming up, therefore I have to go,” Alex states quickly, walking backwards towards the door. Jack nods, almost robotically, and Alex considers that his permission to leave.

And when Alex gets into the elevator, he groans, putting his head into his hands. Because he never even bothered to ask why Jack wanted to see him. And the younger didn't even seem to have a fucking reason.

And that kind of terrified Alex.
Hey hi hello hola other ways to say hello.
I'm getting better at this whole managing my schedule and updating now, so this should get a bit better.

This chapter is better than the last one but it's not as good as I had planned it and now I'm mad.

And also, unfortunately, the way this is panning out, I doubt this will last longer than maybe 19 or 20 parts, if I can even get that much out of it. The next ones to come are going to unravel really quickly and at parts it'll probably be really confusing. Like this, for example. I hadn't intended on it to end like this. I had a totally different one but I needed them on speaking terms again and the way I would've ended it would have made that impossible and yeah.

I also understand that this is Merrikat/Jalex and theres barely any Merrikat but it's hard to incorporate it because it wouldn't add anything to the plot and it would basically be just filling in parts and if it were necessary I would do it. So yeah, it was only supposed to be Merrikat in the sense that the two were dating.

AND ALSO, do you prefer a really long one shot or something broken up into like 3/4 parts. I'm curious. This has to do with something I'm going to start writing on Thursday.

Your comments actually make me sob happy tears. MAKE ME DO IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!

ily guys bye :***

chaptered: ihyt, rating: nc-17

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