I Hate You Too [ten]

Sep 19, 2011 11:41

Title: I Hate You Too
Author: ipokebears
Pairing: Jalex / Merrikat
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Friends with benefits? Alex liked to think of it as enemies with benefits.
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, that's quite illegal.

A/N at the bottom. Oh, and read this if you read You Know I'm Never Gonna Let You Go


It was probably really stupid for Alex to endanger, not only his own, but Lisa's life to go to the hospital for someone he didn't even particularly like. While trying to convince himself that it was because of Zack and for Zack, he didn't think that he'd like to be buried six feet under because of Zachary Merrick.

He was also trying to convince himself that it was not because he was concerned, because no, he didn't care. There was no part of him that cared for the younger boy. He was in the hospital, so what? Alex didn't care. At least he didn't want to care.

Yeah, that sounded bad. Really bad, actually, to not care about someone for reasons unknown to everyone but the people who were involved. Which, in the end, turned out to be a lot more than when the incident first occurred.

Alex didn't like thinking back on what happened. It was still pretty raw, and yeah, it'd been nine years, but Alex was so focused on trying to hate the younger boy because of it, that he'd never moved on. In a way, he was still the same person he was in fourth grade. Before what happened.

Jack would disagree, though, and he had multiple times. Alex was nothing like what he was like back then, and he'd changed dramatically after the whole ordeal. However, he was grateful for the change. It saved Jack from endless nights of no sleep and the pain that he would've dealt with if Alex had handled the situation differently.

Not that he hadn't went through any pain with the way things turned out, though.

Jack, however, would never admit to it. He wasn't a person who was entirely open with his feelings. Hell, he wasn't open with anything. He kept to himself and was fine with doing so. Jack didn't like people in his business, nor did he like people taking pity on him and for the most part, he just wanted to be left alone.

The waiting room was stuffy and hot, everyone either pissed off or crying. Or both.

Zack, well, he was crying. And it was kind of weird to see a guy who was that built cry. Maybe that and the fact that Alex had never in his life seen Zack cry. Zack had seen Alex cry (that girl totally took his fucking lunch, okay? And Alex is a fatty, so he was upset), but never the other way around.

Rian looked bored, and Alex guessed that Zack probably woke him up just to come here. Sure, Rian and Jack were friends, but Rian didn't seem all that concerned. And Lisa, well she had fell asleep. So really, only Zack and Alex were awake.

From what Alex could understand of Zack's frantic phone call, Zack had gotten pissed at the younger boy and told him to leave. Which Jack did, and now he's in a hospital bed because a tree fell on his car.

And really, he's lucky to be alive. Alex decides that Jack is stupid (but really, he's known that all along) because no one in their right mind would think that driving in the middle of a fucking hurricane was a swell idea.

So really, is Alex shocked? The answer to that is no, he is not at all shocked by any of this. It would be Jack that was enough of a retard to do something like this.

However, there is one thing that Alex is shocked by.

The doctor that walks over to the group and says Jack would like to speak with him.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A/N: HEY HI I'M SO SORRY. School started and everything just asjhdygshjakdjf. And then I give you this short thing. I'm really really sorry, but the next one will be longer. I just wanted to leave it at the cliff hanger because then the next one will be better to read and uhsygdtshba ya. And I hate to fish for comments, but the number of the keeps dropping and that kind of upsets me and idk. So if you could comment that would be SUPER appreciated. And hey to apologize, have a picture of my face.

chaptered: ihyt

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