I Hate You Too [nine]

Sep 03, 2011 20:02

Title: I Hate You Too
Author: ipokebears
Pairing: Jalex / Merrikat
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Friends with benefits? Alex liked to think of it as enemies with benefits.
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, that's quite illegal.

A/N at the bottom.


Alex was good when it came to handling things. Or most things, really, because Jack was one thing Alex didn't know if he could handle. However, Alex does not handle harsh weather very well. Specifically hurricanes.

He wasn't freaking out about it. No, of course not. A hurricane named Irene couldn't possibly cause any damage, right? Irene sounded like one of his grandmother's friend's names. So no, Alex wasn't breaking down. Or pacing. And his mother was not screaming from the kitchen, telling him that if he didn't calm down she was admitting him into a mental institution.

No, none of that happened, what are you saying?

It also didn't help that he had no idea where Lisa was, or why she wasn't answering his phone calls. He was acting like some overprotective boyfriend over her, but he couldn't help it. She was currently the only person who really talked to him. Zack made attempts, but he was always with Jack and Jack always glared at Alex.

It shouldn't bother him, really. Alex got what he wanted, didn't he? He wanted everything back to normal, and that he got. Jack ignoring him, hell, he even got Lisa. The only thing not normal to him was Rian, who still refused to talk to him. It was hard, Rian had always been Alex's rock. However, Rian was still pissed at him, and all Alex could do was accept it.

Baz was jumping up on him now, and he could probably sense Alex's fear (what fear? Alex doesn't have any fear). His claws were sharp, and one of them dug particularly deep into Alex's leg, causing the boy to wince and yell, “Motherfu-”

“Yes Alex?”

And that was one thing he kind of forgot to adjust to once his parents got back home from visiting Daniel. He'd been alone for three weeks, and he'd randomly yelled out curses all the time. When his parents got home, it was really hard to do anything while they were around. He felt smothered, and he was just happy that once the school year was over he was free to move out and go wherever. Which was good for him, it was about time he left this fucking town.

Another claw pressed deep into Alex's leg snapped him out of his thoughts, another wince escaping his lips. “Alexander, let your dog out. He's been barking at you for five minutes!” Mrs. Gaskarth yelled from the kitchen, and Alex assumed she was cooking or something. Chances are, they were going to lose power. Which really sucked, because Alex didn't know what he'd do with himself. His phone would die eventually and then he'd probably cry.

Alex slid the backdoor open, watching as Sebastian darted out into the backyard, prancing around and sniffing everything in sight. His dog is adorable, Alex decides, and no one can beat him. Sebastian is the best.

He hears his mother walk out of the kitchen, and she seems kind of rushed. “Alexander,” she starts, and he can hear his father by the front door. “Me and your father are going to go stay with your grandmother for the storm. We'll be back late tomorrow.” Alex's eyes bulge out of his head, because really? No, Alex cannot be alone during a fucking hurricane. He expresses this to his mother, who simply laughs quietly.

“Why don't you invite someone over? Like maybe Lisa and Ja-”

“Mother,” he interrupts sternly, the look on his face expressing everything.

“I'm sorry Alex. But you know that you can't hide from him forever.”

“I'm not hiding, mom. He's dating my best friend, hiding isn't an option,” Alex states, his tone clearly saying this is not the time for said conversation.

“I think you should both put it behind you. It's been nine years, Alexander. Time to forgive and forget.”

Alex couldn't even think of a good response before the front door was shutting and his parents were backing out of the driveway. He'd decided to follow his mother's advice, pulling his phone out of his back pocket and dialing the number of his favorite person, praying silently that she'd pick up.

- - -

It wasn't exactly normal to be awake at 3am, but the whole hurricane situation wasn't exactly normal either, so Alex considered this an exception, although his mother would be furious with him. Whatever, he decides, what she doesn't know won't hurt her.

The news is on in the living room, and Alex is kind of paying attention, but not totally. He's more focused on the sleeping blonde who's settled on top of him, arms wrapped around his chest as if she never wants to let go. Alex isn't at all complaining.

Although this probably isn't a good thing to say, Lisa is a distraction for Alex. Although she's a good one, being a distraction for someone isn't exactly the greatest title and it basically sounds like Alex is using her. Which he's not, because she means too much to him and Alex would never consider it that.

She just gets his mind off everything, especially with everything that's happened to him in the past few months. Lisa doesn't know about Alex and Jack's whole 'friends with benefits' thing, and he doesn't think it's necessary to tell her. It's not a major part of his life, and Alex could honestly care less.

At this point, Alex really just wants to end everything with Jack.

Its not worth hurting Zack, it never has been. Plus, it's not like they've been doing anything lately anyways. They've been too pissed at each other to even be in the same room as each other. Not to mention that Jack and Zack have been attached at the hip.

That was different for them. Usually Jack hated public displays of affection, but as of lately he doesn't seem to care. Alex doesn't know why, and frankly he doesn't care. It's their relationship, and their lives. They can do whatever they want.

Moving his glance back to the TV, and there still wasn't much interesting going on. A news reporter talking about the hurricane, and he'd basically heard everything he needed to know. The wind was howling outside, pretty loudly at that, and he could see the trees swaying from inside the house. They were moving farther than they should be, but that's a hurricane for you.

The rain was pouring down, and overall Alex thought it was pretty damn noisy. As if some god heard his thought, the TV shut off suddenly, as did everything else that ran on electricity. Alex groaned, although he knew it was going to happen.

Out of everyone, it always happened to him.

Lisa stirred in her sleep, and Alex thought she had woken up. He wouldn't be surprised either. Alex didn't even know how she fell asleep in the first place.

Alex also didn't know how he woke up to his phone blaring 'Barbie Girl' (and he really should've changed that by now), looking at his phone and noticing the time had changed to 6:23. The call was from Zack, and Alex hoped to god he wasn't being woken up because Zack needed an opinion on whether he should go to the gym or not.

Because that had seriously happened before.

He accepted the call, mumbling a greeting into the phone. Lisa had woken up as well, unwrapping her arms and standing up. The blonde couldn't hear many words that made sense. Zack was rambling frantically, and Alex was really confused. “I.. what? Zack, speak slower, you're not making sense.”

Zack slowed his speaking, trying to pronounce words as best as possible, although the sobbing just made everything worse. Alex seemed to finally understand, his face dropping a considerable amount, “I- okay, Zack, okay. Breathe. Plea- there's already someone in a hospital bed, you don't need to be next. I'll be there as soon as I can, okay? Dear god, breathe. You know how to do that right?”

After a quick goodbye on both sides, Alex ended the call, placing his phone back onto the coffee table, yawning and stretching his arms as if Zack hadn't just called frantically. “What's going on?” she asked suspiciously, and the dark in the house wasn't helping her much. She couldn't see anything and Lisa didn't know her way around the house as much as she used to back when they were younger.

“Oh, yeah,” Alex said calmly, slowly getting up and stretching again, “We have to go to the hospital.”

- - - - - - -

A/N: I am so sorry. I really didn't mean to prolong this for that long. It's been two weeks since I've updated this and I'm just isudhfdjsk. My aunt broke her arm and she was in the hospital all week and she just got out yesterday so I've been pretty busy with that. Anyways, I'm back and trying as hard as I can to get another chapter out before Tuesday, because that's when I start school (-_____-) Oh, and the hurricane is involved in this because I didn't want more fillers so I'm giving you drama and trust me this is drama.

chaptered: ihyt, rating: nc-17

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