Keep Holding On [S/A]

Aug 28, 2011 02:39

Title: Keep Holding On
Author: ipokebears
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: R
Summary: You're not supposed to get sick of your best friend, the person you're in love with.
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, that's quite illegal.

A/N at the bottom.

Jack was sick of the constant fighting, and he was starting to get sick of Alex. And yeah, maybe that was bad. Screw it, there is no maybe. You're not supposed to get sick of your best friend, the person you're in love with.

But yet, here Jack was. And he was so sick of the older boy, more then he'd ever openly admit. And everyone knew how much they fought. Mainly because a tour bus doesn't have much privacy, and there were a few rare occasions where they'd start arguing on stage. The fans, of course, they thought of it as nothing.

However, those arguments were everything, and Jack could not deal with it anymore. In fact, arguing was all they ever did anymore. No normal conversations except the fake ones on stage. Jack didn't see it as a relationship anymore, Alex was more of a punching bag. Just something to take his anger out on, even though said punching bag was the source of it all.

Sure, they'd had their glory days. The time when they were inseparable and spent all their free time cuddled up somewhere. Everyone thought they were cute, mainly because they were. And Jack had to admit to that. He gave serious credit to everyone who had to live with them, who had to watch them act like that to each other 24/7.

The thought kind of made Jack shiver, because if Rian and Cassadee were around him all the time, he'd hang himself. Without hesitation. However, that wouldn't be the only reason he'd want to.

Alex put a huge load of stress on him, always figuring out something to argue about. Most of the stuff they argued about was absolutely ridiculous, things such as borrowing clothes and using too much hairspray. Jack always shrugged him off, because he really didn't have the fucking patience to deal with any of it.

And then there was the time Alex cheated on the younger boy. Sure, he was really fucking smashed, and he remembered nothing the next day, but Alex confessed to it, and intoxicated people always tell the truth. That was really when it all began.

They had had 2 weeks off, and being able to go home was like a godsend. They loved their fans, but they needed a break once and a while. Just to regain their sanity.

Alex and some of the other guys decided to go out for drinks, and Jack knew the condition that the older boy would be coming back in. So he decided to skip, instead hanging out with Rian and Cassadee. He regretted that, because all they did was tell each other how cute they were and then they made out.

It had to be around 3am when Alex stumbled in, totally shitfaced, and screamed “I just got laid!” slurring the 'a' out. And yeah, that night had made everything a whole lot fucking worse. Alex woke up with a horrible headache and no idea where Jack was. He attempted calling the younger multiple times. But he didn't pick up, and he had no plan to.

Everyone knew where Jack was, except Alex of course. But no one told the older boy, because Jack simply didn't want to talk to him, and everyone knew that. And if it weren't for a lot of convincing from multiple people, Jack would have broke up with Alex. He wanted to, he really did. But Alex was drunk, and it technically wasn't his fault. So Jack sighed and decided to let it go.

But from there, everything got worse. It started as stupid bickering, one usually apologizing to the other in the end. But then there was full blown arguments, and they would be almost irrelevant to everything, but it always ended up having the worst effects on both of them. And honestly, Alex got a lot bitchier, always on Jack's case about something, and it didn't even seem like the older loved Jack at some points.

So this was the day, Jack decided, that he was ending it with Alex. And he didn't care what happened, he didn't care if it broke everyone apart. He just didn't care. There's times in life when enough is enough, and this was one of them.

They were on another break, this time they only had a week and a half. But all in all, it was a break, and Jack really didn't want to break up with him on the bus. It wasn't appealing to him.

No one knew he was going to do it, because if anyone did they'd try and convince him out of it. But Jack didn't want to be convinced. If any of them had to deal with Alex the way he did, they would be doing the exact same thing he was. Hell, they probably would have done it sooner.

The younger boy was going to simply talk to Alex about it, kind of like letting him down slowly. But the older boy had started an argument before Jack even got the chance to think about what he was going to say.

“You stayed out too late last night,” Alex spat, the clear tone of irritation lacing his voice. Jack simply rolled his eyes, continuing to stare at the TV that was droning in front of him. He wasn't paying attention to what was happening on it, frankly he didn't care. He just wanted Alex to go away.

Alex noticed this, however, grabbing the remote off the coffee table and pressing the 'off' button with way too much force. A low groan emitted from Jack's throat, his eyes shifting towards the older boy, “So what if I 'stayed out too late'? I was with Vinny and Rian. It's not like we had a threesome or something.”

“Yeah well, lord knows what you do when you're away from me,” Alex muttered immediately. Jack's face contorted into somewhat of a glare, completely focused on the older boy, “Excuse me? You cheated on me rememb-” “That was one fucking time and I was drunk. Get the fuck over it already.”

Jack laughed humorlessly, pulling himself off the couch and standing a few inches away from Alex, “It was one time? That 'one time' is the reason we even started arguing in the first place. If it wasn't for you and your goddamn mistake, we would be perfectly fine right now. But no, like always, you fucked everything up.”

The older boy scoffed, squaring up to Jack, “I can think of one more thing I fucked up with,” Alex paused for a moment, staring straight at the darker haired boy, “and that was asking you out.”

Jack stood still for a moment, eventually nodding slowly, a small grin on his face, “And I fucked up by saying yes.”

Alex's face dropped, because he wasn't expecting that. And Jack knew that, but honestly, he couldn't be fucked to care right now. He just wanted to get this over with. “W-what are you trying to say?”

The older boy's tone had dropped dramatically, the irritation replaced by worry. His eyes were glazed over slightly, as if he knew what was coming. The six words that would crush the last two years of his life into some irrelevant, distant memory.

“I'm breaking up with you, Alex.”

- - - - - - -

A/N: OKAY SO, I'm trying to post this quickly because the hurricane is going to start picking up in about a half hour and I don't know what's going to happen when it does but I really want to get this posted because this is another one shot I've been working on for a while and I finally finished it. I also never realized how many death fics I've started. I'll probably never finish them though. I don't do well with death. Any mistakes, I'm sorry. Sdufhusj I'm kind of trembling rn nbd.

Anyways, I have to get this posted to ATB and ATS in case my power dies soon or something. But read this for a really quick update on a few things, especially if you read IHYT.

My house just fucking made a nOISE siudhyfgdshujakl.


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