many thing

Oct 15, 2006 00:58

I worked on things toady. Cleaned alot and put things more in place. Laundry groceryshopping getting a 4inch handdle for my forge and visiting my father and sister scheduled for tomarrow. I must find a nice hardwood mortor and pestol. It is quite necicary. I think I must add streatining arrow shafts to my list for tomarrow. I didn't get around to making hide glue but I wasn't ready to anyways. Got more work done on some leg ties that I am planning on doing some quill work on. all thats left I think is to quill them. I put more candles into the bathroom. The bathroom looks so pritty and clean. I went to the junkyard on thursday. Got two car springs that I plan on making into all sorts of tools that I plan on putting into good use. I think my ex has one of my books still. part of the enders game series. I was going to cook tonight didn't work out. I want to paint. I am not shure what besides trying to finish my me. I have much painting to do before that though. I have to do studys of hands in oils first. Or I know I won't be happy and thats no good. Not that I am much these days. But a little higher might be nice. Someone from quite a couple of years ago has gotten ahold of me. Invited me to a party for holloween. That should be fun. The one day I sorta fit in. I guess. I think I am going to try and scrounge up some food. A nice snuggle under some warm blankets would be nice about now. I need to figure out how to huck up my black lights. I miss them. my eyes hurt. good by.
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