Because It's Cool Like That.

Sep 10, 2008 15:08

Ok. So it starts off as one of those days. Now by one of "those" days you must figure that it's been a bad day. Not per se....
It's actually been a very good day, but odd things have been happening. And my reasoning behind it is because it's cool like that. Take for example, my dog (pictured above.) Yes he is wearing sunglasses. And yes, they actually are for him. Now before I moved into Rez, I had to of course clean out my closet. Now he's been missing his glasses for years - poor guy! But the day I found them... I put them on.

Now it isn't bad that he lost them, but it's pretty damn random that I found them. Because my closet gremlins are mean mofo's who refuse to give me my shit - even when I offer cherries on top! But because Merlin, my dog, was cool like that... they were found. Odd, no?


Anyway, continuing on. There isn't much really to report besides the fact that the people in my philosophy class are dumber than doorposts and don't understand the concept of what a philosophy (especially since it's Ethics) is about. They take in what the prof. yabbers on without question. Annoying? I sure as hell think so. So of course, me being the only one either a) brave enough of b) smart enough to seeming DARE  question a prof, raises her hand - seemingly constantly. Aiyee! It's frusterating. I wouldn't be the ONLY one having the prof say "good question!" or even more popular "great question! - insert random tangent why it's a brilliant question - " I'm not kidding, nor am I bragging. He actually say's those things, but ONLY because no one else cares enough to ask them. I'm starting to think I should start a peition of adding a prerequisite of being "NOT STUPID!" to the clause for getting into ANY class. Mind you, they might be too dumb to realize what they are signing... let alone know how to read... or better yet... SIGN THEIR NAME! Sheesh. -_-''

Continuing on the same note, the exact opposite can be said for my Chinese class. Can anyone spell "utter head explosion" in Mandarin? I know I can't, but that's damn well what it's like. I KNEW there was a reason I prefered Japanese. No offense to anyone who speaks Mandarin. But seriously, do you REALLY need to make things THAT complicated? Seriously? Talk about a hate of foreigners if you make it so complicated we can't learn your language... or am I just dumb? Meh. Either way.

So far, Critical Writing and Reading seems to be JUST like my English 30-1 class. Teacher = smart. Students = dumb. Teacher + dumb students = watered down/ stupified course material. Me = variable who actually knows what the prof is talking about. Teacher + Students + Me = Me going to strangle someone. I'm not a pessimistic person, it's jut a pet peeve of mine when I'm treated like I either a) can't spell b) write, or better yet, c) think for myself.

Japanese is cool, though. I know the shit already so it's not like it's difficult, but the teacher makes it so learning the trivial stuff is fun! "Okei! Tai-chi time! - insert overly happy, elderly Japanese woman who is so adorable in how she acts! Just like a schoolgirl!!! -"

But that's all for me.... I think....



Ps: My newest icon, ie: the dancing Sephiroth, amuses me greatly. You don't like it, well I don't care. Ha! Take that. ;)

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