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Jul 07, 2005 19:34

im soooo excited because tommorow instead of doing the norm, and just working in my room, i get to go on a field trip!! yeah, im going with the school age kids to raintree park for a picnic. granted Shannon will be there, but toni's radness should cancel out her annoyingness.those kids can be a hand full, i just hope i dont have to wrangle them down! plus, its something different on a friday! saweet! today i was pretending to be a power ranger with my new little favorite pre-kindergardener, kellen weeks! he is sooo adorable~ this morning, he told me i smell like i just got my hair cut! isnt that sooo cute?!? yah, so him, taylor, charlie and some others ran around the playground with me while karate chopping and high kicking. lol they crack me up! im soo excited for the weekend. all i know is that i have alot of reading! i need to finish anna karenina before july 16 cuz i have to read harry potter!! well, im going to go to the gym and do the working out thing! hope everyone had a great day!
love and peace towards all!
ps i love you dave, you rock rock, and so does my dvd player! what a let down!
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