What's going on with eljay?

Apr 13, 2009 20:30

or more specifically, MY LJ.... It seems I have steadily lost all my readers... where art thou? I wonder if it's because they read my chapters elsewhere, whether the quality of my chapters isn't up to commenting standard, or whether there is just a slowdown in reader traffic across the board. In any case, comments are LOVE. Maybe I should become more active and join communities and friend more people. I'm a little quiet until I get to know people ;)

So to distract myself from this depression, I decided to change my layout and make a header. Props to minty_peach for the awesome layout. Maybe one day if I had several months spare, I'd learn to make one instead of just tinker around with them and do amateur things like changing the font.

I await the large number of comments. *g*


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