Fic: Miss Him Already

Mar 28, 2011 10:10

Title: Miss Him Already
Fandom: Lord of the Rings FPS
Pairing: Aragorn/Frodo
Rating: PG
Warning: mpreg (what? *gulps*)
AN: Written for fffc’s challenge with the prompt Parting.

Frodo felt mellow. He blamed it on his condition since this was certainly not the first time he had to stay in the palace all by himself when Aragorn was away on his duty - visiting the regions under the throne of Gondor or paying royal visits to Theoden King in Rohan or away to Isengard where Eomer had recently been appointed as the Steward there. No, this was not the first time.

Still, his heart felt heavy and Frodo suppressed the sudden clenching feeling of longing as he cast a faraway look through the window. It had only been a night but he felt like blubbering all day. Bowing his head, Frodo rubbed his bulging belly. Did Aragorn not realize Frodo was due any moment now?

“Bide your time in there, wee duckling,” he whispered to his baby. “We shall wait for your Sire together.”


lotr fps

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