Fic: A Hunch

Mar 25, 2011 14:22

Title: A Hunch
Fandom: Supernatural FPS
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Jess, Brady, Dean (implied)
Rating: PG
Summary: There is something about Brady but Sam just can’t tell what.
AN: Written for daisychain1957, who asked for a Sam/Jess or Sam/Sarah, for my LJ Anniversary mathom. It’s not too much about Sam/Jess here, dear. I’m sorry.


Sam looked up, a pen he was holding slipping out of his mouth. “Jess, hey. Sorry, baby, ready to head home?”

He grinned. Jess was gritting her teeth and nearly stomping her feet but she was the cutest that way and Sam loved teasing her.

“Uh, yes, Sam. Like - yesterday?”

Sam glanced sideways. He knew it was late but he was still not finished with the assignment he’d been working on with his friend.

“Brady?” Sam shrugged in an apologizing gesture.

“Well, there’s always tomorrow,” his friend replied, reaching down for his backpack. “But we’ll continue this first thing in the morning, over some breakfast, all right? Don’t stay up late tonight, dude.” Brady smirked, winking.

Something strange flashed in the twinkling of an eye, and Sam blinked. “Whoa.” He shook his head.

“You alright, Sam?” Jess reached her hand and Sam took it. Brady stared curiously when Sam looked at him.


Sam offered him a tentative smile. “I’m okay.” He turned to Jess, “Come on, let’s go home.” And pushed himself on his feet, wondering why his knees felt rather wobbly. He leaned heavily against his girlfriend as they left the softly-lit library.


That night, after hours of twisting and turning in bed, Sam jerked up and took his cell phone, scrolling down to stop at the name he’d not been contacting for much too long.

Or rather, an initial. D. Of the first person that came to his mind when he felt something with Brady earlier.

Sam gazed at it, heart pounding with doubts and - he silently admitted - deep longing. Should he call him - or should he not?

A quiet sound came from behind him - Jess rolled over and was awakened, too. Sam felt her hand on the small of his back.

“Sam, why are you not sleeping?”

With a sigh, Sam clicked his cell off. No, he shouldn’t call. At least not tonight. He put away the gadget and went lying back in bed facing Jessica, gathering her into his arms.

“It’s nothing. Go back to sleep.”

Soon Jess’s breath turned slow and relaxed as she went back deep into slumber. Sam tightened his hold, hoping he could sleep, too.


supernatural fps

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