so basically i havent posted in like FOREVER! thanks for those who still kept me as a friend :)..ok moving on.....
lately things have been preety hectic around here, way too much to talk about but i actually do have a small situation that i would love to get other mommy opinions from.
ive been taking my oldest daughter to school ( yes my big girl just started kinder) and Alina (my one year old) of course has to always come along because i have noone to leave her with while i make that little trip. so heres the thing, alina has started to really REALLY like to walk. she barely wants to be in her stroller and i honestly think its good that she walks since we are always at home in the same four walls... she deserves to have some exploration time,plus kids are super curious at this age. well ive been trying to teach her to hold my hand at all times cuz we all know kids are super quick but i feel bad for her cuz shes so little and i feel like im pulling her arm and i even sometimes have to bend down while a walk just so her little arm wont be pulled up like that. so im suffering from a messed up back because of the situation but i dont want to sacrafice her "walking time" just cuz my back hurts....well let me get to the point i came across this "child harness" and it seems like the appropriate thing to buy but im reall iffy about it cuz i feel like shes my dog and i have a leash on her :( ive actually critized mothers for using this on there children, so now i feel like a hypocrite for even THINKING of purchasing it.... so i wanted to know what are your views on this... do u also see it as a leash for a child? do any of you other mommys own one? here is a pic so you can see what im talking about... its super cute and only about 10 bucks @ walmart