TV show land

Oct 02, 2012 00:58

I might have been watching the odd tv show over the last week.

That first episode was, god, so painful. Just. TEAM! We lost Raff and I'm gutted because I really liked him. But I'm worried about Eddie. The way he just sat on his stairs at the end and looked so devastated. I just wanted Clark to go back and give his dad a hug.

I was very relieved that he didn't need to do another difficult shoot in the second episode. But I think Greg might be wrong on this one, I think it is eating at Ed.

I do wonder if they will get another member before the end of the season.

I can't wait to see how this season goes.

Person of Interest - still enjoying it. Loving Amy Acker. Unsurprisingly.

I'd kind of forgotten that this started a month or so ago. I'm delighted that Hank finally knows. And Him and Monroe make me laugh. The fact that no-one seems to have cottoned onto fact that Juliet doesn't remember Nick because of magic really bugs me. Surely it's horribly obvious.

Wasn't at all surprised that Nick's mum seems to have her own agenda and is probably a bad guy, albeit on a different side from the other bad guys.

I am curious where this is going.

Vegas - this could be awesome, I love a lot of the cast, but the plot was just too obvious. I want it to be more serialised than I think it will be. I'll watch a couple more episodes to see how it goes.

Criminal Minds - I watched more out of curiosity than anything because I'd not watched since season 5. I liked it. I love and adore Morgan and Garcia and the fact that they went to London together. And I liked the new agent. She seemed cool. I might well keep watching. Which is a bit weird. I don't usually go back to shows once I've left them.

NCIS - ugh. Just ugh. Really? Gibbs is off killing people again? Seriously? I thought we were over that. And Tony and Ziva in the elevator was just painful. So, so painful. Please stop trying to convince me that they have chemistry. They really, really don't. I'm not feeling it this season. If it doesn't pick up, I might be out.

Well, I knew from the end of last season that G hadn't really shot the guy and I was 99.9% that Hetty hadn't really resigned because, really, the number of times Hetty has resigned or faked resigning, is kind of getting ridiculous. Also, when Sam and G actually fight, they are always pulling a fast one one people. Always.

Dr Who - plot wise, this made little to no sense. That didn't stop me crying at the emotional stuff. Though, I have to say, this season is significantly worse than previous ones, even with all the problems S6 had.

Why oh why couldn't they have thrown Quinn in jail? She's the only character I absolutely hate. There is nothing about her I like, am happy to like to hate or even find interesting. I get that there's a conspiracy (seriously shows, enough with the fucking conspiracies, okay?) but I really don't care about it.

The Mentalist - oh, Jane, you crazy, crazy man. I love the team so much. Jane baiting those FBI agents was hilarious. Also, who didn't guess that there was going to be a prisoner swap out?

once Upon a Time - This first episode of season 2 was better than 93% of season 1. I'm so relieved that they didn't reset everyone's memories again. I love seeing Snow as Snow now. She's awesome. I'm curious to see what happens with Emma, Snow, Mulan and Beauty. Charming looking after Henry should be hilarious. I keep feeling sorry for Regina. Like, more than any other character. I don't think I'm doing it right. And who is Michael Raymond- Jones? I wanna know.

666 Park Avenue - I'm...not sure about this. It could be awesome, but I'm not seeing it yet.

The Good Wife - Love, love love. Is there anything else to say? Kalinda! Alicia! Cary! Zach! Will and Diane! God, I love everyone. Next time, Peter, leave Alicia to handle stuff, yeah? You tend to make things worse when it is to do with your fmaily

Homeland - Claire Danes is flawless. Damien Lewis is fabulous.

So, this season is going to end with the Amanda being sunk and people being dead. Not as interesting as the opening to last season, but still, interesting.

I'm not surprised Conrad is trying to steal Charlotte's inheritance. Disappointed, but not surprised. I just want Charlotte to finally find out about Emily and for them to be awesome half-sisters together.

At the moment I'm not entirely sure about them keeping Victoria. Juries out there.

Nolan boxing. Nolan boxing. I just. Wow. He's still my favourite. And he's rooming with Emily. This makes me so happy.

Ashley has moved in on Daniel. Again, so not surprised.

Declan is still annoying. Not news.

I can't wait to see what's going to happen this season.

show:the mentalist, show:ncis, show:vegas, show:scandal, show:homeland, show:criminal minds, show:ncis:la, show:grimm, show:revenge, show:dr who, show:person of interest, show:flashpoint

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