So, I saw Prometheus last night...

Jun 04, 2012 17:01

...and I wasn't impressed.

It was big, overblown, more than kind of a mess and didn't seem to do anything.

And it's not that I was expecting another Alien or anything. I really wasn't. It's been years since I saw Alien. I just wanted a good film and this wasn't it. And I didn't care if it was or wasn't a prequel to Alien, I just wanted a good film and it wasn't.

The first half wasn't so bad. It created a lot of questions, but I'm good with that. The problem was they didn't answer any of them. I have no problem with not spoon feeling your audience answers as long as they exist and as far as my brother and I could tell, they didn't.

It was like they'd thought of all these cool ideas and thrown them all together without stopping to work out if they meshed or even made a lick of sense.

Add to that 2D characters who were about as stereotypical as they come - I wish Idris Alba had been more because he's one of my favourite characters.

There was some truly laughable dialogue and so much of the action (well, action may be the wrong word, but then, so is plot) was horribly predictable. And the characters did really stupid things (how do you get lost in a structure that's being mapped out and you're in direct communications with the captain of your ship?)

Having said all of that, the CGI is amazing - the bit where David is looking at the map of the planets is awesome and, as ever, Fassbender was the best thing in the film.

A lot of the publicity for the film kept going on about how this film had a moment to rival the chest burster in the first. Can anyone tell me when that was? Because I definitely didn't see one.

It's such a disappointment. I'd been looking forward to this for ages and it ended up being, well, like this. My brother and I spent the entire car journey back trying to work out what the fuck it was we'd just watched.

At breakfast this morning, but brother said, 'I've slept on it and decided...Prometheus is still shit.' Says it all really.

However, a film I totally suggest going to see is The Raid - but only if your tolerance for violence is as high as mine.

And I loved that but there are many who might not.

But I thought it was amazing. The fights were just out of this world brutal and amazingly choreographed. I sat there with my mouth hanging open in wonder most of the time.

The final fight was genius but I think my favourite was the first hallway one.

The tension it builds and the adrenaline rushes it keeps giving you meant that after each fight the audience were just laughing to get rid of the tension and I loved that. Which was something that both Mark Kemode and Empire noted in their reviews.

I can't wait to see it again.

And, since I'm here, some of my thoughts about some season finales this year

FINALLY, Emma found out and actually did something. Although, I do question her intelligence at trusting the people she did (Regina and Mr Gold. Really?) and trying to kill a dragon with the gun.

If that purple fog spell thing, is in any way a do-over and everyone forgets who they are again, I'm out. That'll piss me off way too much.

I really didn't like the the final episode. Everything up to it had been awesome, but that one I didn't like.

First off, Beckett will only sleep with Castle once her life has practically been destroyed. She has to lose everything, and probably be a wee bit compromised emotionally before she'll be able to get with Castle.

I don't know if that was what the writers were going for, but it's not good.

I was really hoping Castle, seeing how messed up Kate was, would back off, get her in his place and like, give her tea and cuddles and talk shit out instead of falling into bed with her. I really didn't like Castle for that. Not saying it wasn't in character, necessarily, just that I didn't like it.

And what was with Esposito and Beckett bitching at Ryan for calling backup. Without him, they would be dead and the case would have been fucked. Ryan was the only one keeping a clear head and being objective and they got pissed with him? Really? I really hope that as the viewer we were supposed to agree with Ryan on this.

I'm really not sure what they're going to do in Castle next season but it better be good to keep me interested and to make up for this less than good finale. First Castle finale I've actually disliked.

I actually thought there was another episode to go, so I found this a bit anti-climatical but I can't wait to see what happens next season.

Colour me happy that Cary is back with the firm.

WTF was that?

First off, Tony and Ziva, who in their right mind decides to use a lift when there is a bomb scare and the building is being evacuated? If either or both of you are dead, it'll be your own faults for being so stupid.

Second of all. Didn't all the cast just renegotiate their contracts? Like at the end of the last season? So, does anyone actually expect any of them to die? The only one I'm not 100% on is Ducky because I'm not sure abut David McCallum and his contract.

I'm really not even remotely bothered by who does or doesn't survive.

NCIS:LA, on the other hand, was kind of awesome and I really, really want to know what's going to happen.

Although, this is the third time in as any season's that Hetty has resigned, right? Maybe they could end season four with that not happening.

Well, that was another mental finale. Even more mental than last season, I think.

I actually can't wait to see what happens.

Is Darcy going to end up being the FBI mole?

Also, whoever they get to play Red John is going to have to be amazing. Especially if they are going to be better than Bradley Whitfield, who I thought was an awesome Red John. Until he wasn't.

Cas and Dean in Purgatory could be awesome, but I suspect the writers will squander it.

Despite Dick being easy to kill, I rather enjoyed the finale. I loved Kevin and really hope he's around next season.

Gutted to see Bobby finally leave.

Could we please get some more regular characters for the boys to interact with. The two of them by themselves is getting kind of boring now.

Bloody hell, that was AMAZING. Why isn't it next season yet?

I just. Wow. They killed Percy and Roan. I'm kind of in shock. I'll miss Percy, but it's good that the showrunners recognised that they couldn't push it much further without Percy or Nikita beating the other before the audience started to wonder about how good at their jobs they are.

Ryan running things will be interesting. It's all very last season of Angel, running the thing you were destroying.

Amanda is still about and that will definitely be, well, probably bad for everyone.

Birkoff got the girl. Awesome. And Birkoff kissing Nikita was adorable and the look on Michael's face was priceless.

Owen better be back, is all I'm saying.

Seriously can't wait for season three. Hurry up.

George and Zoe are so, so wrong for each other.

Having said that, Wade could do so much better than someone who isn't as into him as he is her.

Right, I have to get back to writing my epic Teen Wolf fic that, so far, in part one, is clocking in at 78k and will now be over 80k when finished. Which is also the reason I've been largely absent from LJ recently. I'm trying to finish it so it can go to beta. God, I want it to be finished. Because then I can start part two *headdesk*

I also have to watch Game of Thrones and Mad Men finales. And Teen Wolf. Have to watch Teen Wolf. Although, I'm going to wait until the second episode airs tonight and then I can watch them both.

And Korra. Going to watch Korra first.

film:the raid, show:the mentalist, show:ncis, show:nikita, show:ncis:la, show:hart of dixie, show:supernatural, film:promentheus, show:the good wife, show:castle

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